Tea? (Part 2)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I gave up booze and fags. If I also quit caffeine, I'd have to take up hard drugs instead.

Oh I also gave up booze, fags and hard drugs :thumbsup: ....... but not cake :mrpig:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
If doctors ever give me 3 months to live and I am no longer able to move about much, then I won't spend my remaining time meditating, trying to learn Japanese, or watching repeats of 'The Likely Lads' - I will embark on one long party, fuelled by the recreational drugs that I was too sensible to take when I was healthy, and leave this life with a demented smile on my face! :crazy:

Already done all of them when I was younger, so I guess I would have to get even healthier :sad:

Night Train

Maker of Things
I have no caffeine after lunch and will only have 'de-caff' real coffee before lunch in a coffee shop as the remaining caffeine is still more then I would normally have.

Well, my resting afternoon didn't happen. I spent the afternoon in the blazing 28C sun changing a broken door release cable on my car. Amazingly difficult without the use of technically trained and qualified ants to take the cable into the lock mechanism to connect it.
My back and my hands ache now, but I still have to want to spend an evening at the West Lancs Light Railway building something big.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Trained ants! I want trained ants!

Another hot day for me too, very tiring. I went to Morrisons on the way home and bought a ready made salad, couldn't be bothered to cook.

It had a fair bit of raw onion in it, so I might need to brush my teeth before I have my reduced lemon swirly dessert thing....


Midlands UK
One of my orchids fell off the shelf and took his neighbour with him :cry: thankfully no serious harm done, carpet hoovered, plant weighed down with stones, agreement we need a bigger pot. One heck of a crash though, this one we can't blame on the cat


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I'm :tired:

Perhaps it was all the lettuce in the salad. It is said that the effect of eating too much lettuce is soporific.

Nearly the weekend. Which means...

Nearly Pickering Steam Rally! :hyper:


Vice Admiral

It is extremely hot here, still. :sweat:
Time for a shower, then some Tuborg and watching some TV.

I surprised another frog in the garden when I sprayed some water on him while watering the garden. I thought he/she would like that. I am wondering if I have lots of frogs in the garden or just one.


Legendary Member
Tea then bath. Then put clean sheets on the bed as I was uber organised and did the laundry before going out this morning :angel:

Ah so did I. However the washing machine has decided that after 12years it's time to dawdle off to washing machine heaven. Sigh. Along with the petrol mower which has just given the grass it's last cut. I'm about to start the hoovering...I suspect that things come in threes and I shall be forced to visit the metropolis ( Sudbury ), at the weekend with my friend the credit card. :-(


Midlands UK
So far this evening TVC has had a pitta bread with smoked salmon tararamasalata and a packet of scampi fries, I have had 4 medjool dates and a couple of grapes.
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