Tea? (Part 2)

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twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Just flicked over to watch a bit of the race, the morons running alongside the riders are winding me up, nobbers as Noodley would say :rolleyes:

There's a race on? :unsure::scratch::wacko::whistle:


I don't mind this weather, it's the lack of swimming pools and cocktails that's getting me down.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Evening all!

Got a big plate of salad again. Got a bit warm today. Took a thermometer out in the vehicle this afternoon, and in the cab generally it was 32-25 degrees. Then I left it in the sun, on the vinyl seat, and it went up to 46....

No wonder that seat's a bit painful to sit on!


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Evening all!

Got a big plate of salad again. Got a bit warm today. Took a thermometer out in the vehicle this afternoon, and in the cab generally it was 32-25 degrees. Then I left it in the sun, on the vinyl seat, and it went up to 46....

No wonder that seat's a bit painful to sit on!

Yes it was very warm today, when I went out in the car this afternoon the temp on the dash said it was 32c outside :sweat:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
We hung the thermometer up outside the building, in the sun, and it said it was 34....

After work, I raided the centre's gardens for some redcurrants:

I was going to just get a few to make some fruit buns or something, but there were so many I kept picking, and I'll freeze them and make redcurrant jelly in the next week or so, when I've collected enough jam jars... I love redcurrant jelly.


West Somerset
D'oh. Bought the wrong sized dry bag to put my camera in, just in case it does rain. Hope S has got one I can borrow. Never mind, they were on offer and I'm sure they'll get used. :rolleyes:
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