Tea? (Part 2)

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Legendary Member
Yes enjoy your weekend Jo. I wouldn't worry about the hotels in Paris. I've stayed in quite a few no star hotels there and they not that bad really, I always say as long as you can have a shower and clean your teeth that's all that matters. Very envious :thumbsup:


South Somerset
D'oh. Bought the wrong sized dry bag to put my camera in, just in case it does rain. Hope S has got one I can borrow. Never mind, they were on offer and I'm sure they'll get used. :rolleyes:

I was going to ask you about your cam.

Hope for some good pics.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I'm definitely going to plant redcurrants when NT and I get gardening. They'd make good 'guerilla' plants to sneak in to various places.:whistle:

It's funny, blackcurrants I can really take or leave, even as jam or cordial or stuff. For jam, I like blackberries, and if the flowering is anything to go by, this will be a bumper year for them!


South Somerset
I'm definitely going to plant redcurrants when NT and I get gardening. They'd make good 'guerilla' plants to sneak in to various places.:whistle:

It's funny, blackcurrants I can really take or leave, even as jam or cordial or stuff. For jam, I like blackberries, and if the flowering is anything to go by, this will be a bumper year for them!

Hope its a good crop of blackberries this year as we are nearly out of the jam i made last year.

Also made some blackberry gin, but that was a bit meh.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Hope its a good crop of blackberries this year as we are nearly out of the jam i made last year.

Also made some blackberry gin, but that was a bit meh.

I have a recipe for an autumn jelly which is blackberry and apple with a few spices, very nice.

The brambles are heaving with flowers, but we'll need some rain to make the berries juicy.

Night Train

Maker of Things
I am back from an evening at the West Lancs Light Railway. We spent 3 hours doing a job I could have done in about an hour on my own. :rolleyes:

We built up a pitch pine chassis frame for a Welsh slate wagon. At one stage it was a case of 'How many men does it take to drill a hole in a bit of wood?'. There were five of us supporting and maneuvering the frame on a giant radial arm drill. Then based on who can reach what there was one chap to positioning the drill head, another to lock the radial arm, a third to press the start button and forth to operate the drill plunge lever while I brushed the wood chipping off the work to save it making a mess in the coolant pan! There were eight holes to drill on all and as we moved the frame around to each corner we each ended up changing jobs! ^_^

Later, when it came to cutting off the overhanging ends of the wooden frame, they were gobsmacked that I reached for a hand saw rather then trying to maneuver the whole chassis onto the bandsaw! To me hand sawing it was going to be quicker and safer then balancing the frame on the saw table.

I am being lined up to work on building their next passenger coach, a disabled access one with all wooden bodywork on a steel frame. :thumbsup:


West Somerset
:hello: @Nihal

Lovely and warm ... for the UK!

Been awake since half four. Double checked my passport and ticket three times. Nearly forgot to pack my money - it was only because I was looking for the cloth to clean the camera lenses that I found the envelope with the euros and had a heart failure moment. Took me another twenty minutes to find the cloth.

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