Tea? (Part 2)

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Vice Admiral
I am now going to attempt to solve the puzzle about five different colour houses, in Classic's thread. :scratch:

Tasha is going to have to learn how to tell me she wants to go out or come back in again. Leo went out/in so often, she just took the opportunity at the same time. So far she does not seem to have missed Leo. The Vet sent a lovely condolences card.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I'm :heat:

Got home from the station and found my income tax rebate cheque waiting in the post. So, despite being starving for lunch, I went straight back out and paid it in. Lazy really, it saved going up and down and back up the stairs again!

Although I may yet go out again if I can't find my PVA glue.

First, I think I need a lie down for a bit.

Panic over, found the PVA. Might experiment with a crafty thing later.


My Armchair
So far she does not seem to have missed Leo.
Puma was the same when FA went, you really wouldn't know from watching her behaviour.
She does seem to be slightly more tolerant of next door's cat nowadays though, whether that's related or coincidence is impossible to say :unsure:


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I've never posted on this thread before so please excuse me for not reading the 46,293 posts before this one, but is anybody else getting fed up with the ever-diminishing stocks of loose leaf tea in the supermarkets? A very basic staple is fast becoming a rarity.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I have just shifted three (six by anyone else's measure) barrow loads of logs. :heat:
I then found I have a horribly upset tummy. xx(

Having a soothing :cuppa: now.

Oh dear! :hugs:

I hope the :cuppa: makes you feel better.

I've stripped and washed a tyre, and pasted tissue paper onto a plastic bottle, to see how it works. The good news is that it works fine.


Evening tea baggers, that was an unpleasent day at work in a glass roofed factory, made worse by finding out that my last 4 days work (including a Saturday I didn't want to do) is only good for the scrap bin after they found a design error.

Fortunately Lu has bought chocolate.
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