Tea? (Part 2)

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West Somerset
xx( Frontlined snipe last night and found a very dead but disgustingly large tick on the floor this morning.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
In other less needy news, I took out the MTB last night for a little cross country trip to a friends house. Due to the current Austerity measures the local council no longer keep the paths and bridleways clear of vegetation.
I ended up riding through nettles that were above my head on the bike. Looked a bit of a mess when I finally arrived for coffee at my friends place. Ha ha.

On the way back the left pedal seized and came off, and I rode home in the dark with one leg!! LOL. It's all fixed now.:laugh:

Wonderful adventures ^_^

Those Tin Can folks don't know what they are missing :thumbsup:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Well my exciting news is that Mr Computer Man has *finally* taken my laptop to mend it. He says he'll get it back to me "as soon as possible". Should I start a book?

You could have brought it up here and got it mended by now............. might have been a long ride mind............


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
We are now at Vienna University and Mrs R has gone off to give her paper on arguing (I think she said something about rhetoric and discourse but I prefer to call it arguing). I am now forced to sit in the sun and drink espresso and eat apple strudel :giggle:

Well I am cycling over to otley in a bit to watch the Cycle Racing, Laura Trott has pulled out due to illness which is a shame ........... bet your dead jealous rocky


Legendary Member
We are now at Vienna University and Mrs R has gone off to give her paper on arguing (I think she said something about rhetoric and discourse but I prefer to call it arguing). I am now forced to sit in the sun and drink espresso and eat apple strudel :giggle:

I'm concerned you are married to someone who has qualifications in arguing.....have you thought this through Rocky? :giggle:


Vice Admiral
ssscccchhhhttttummmmmmph sssssscccchhhhtummmmppphhh thhhhuuud thunnnnnk thunkkk cluunkkkk clunkk clunkk whirrr whirr whirr whirr

Just fired up the steam-powered puter. There sems to be a shortage of the right sort of coal. :scratch:

My laptop puter has gone to the puter clinic. It was diagnosed as possibly terminally non-functional. The expert man is going to see what can be done, and let me know later in the week.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Is it sad that I am excited that I shall be riding my bike my in the dark AND without the trailer for the first time ever ever tonight, granted it is only 3/4 mile trip to the pre-school induction evening but still


Tea for me.Feeling rather smug,a lovely ride to Otley for a couple of lunchtime lattes then back home and knocked off the family ironing in double quick time.The weather is improving so monday going to York for a scouting mission.Trying to find the route out of York for Stamford Bridge.
Because on sunny, hot, wonderful ,orange wednesday i am cycling to sunny ,hot,wonderful,super,cannot be beaten Scarborough.


ssscccchhhhttttummmmmmph sssssscccchhhhtummmmppphhh thhhhuuud thunnnnnk thunkkk cluunkkkk clunkk clunkk whirrr whirr whirr whirr

Just fired up the steam-powered puter. There sems to be a shortage of the right sort of coal. :scratch:

My laptop puter has gone to the puter clinic. It was diagnosed as possibly terminally non-functional. The expert man is going to see what can be done, and let me know later in the week.

Good luck ,try this trick,put it next to a bowl of watery honey.The bugs will smell the honey,come out to see what is on offer.They will fall into the bowl.When that happens,whip the puter away as soon as possible.Prob solved.
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