Tea? (Part 2)

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Legendary Member
Greetings from sunny Vienna :thumbsup:

It means nothing to me..... Enjoy:becool:

How long you there for?

Night Train

Maker of Things
ssscccchhhhttttummmmmmph sssssscccchhhhtummmmppphhh thhhhuuud thunnnnnk thunkkk cluunkkkk clunkk clunkk whirrr whirr whirr whirr

Just fired up the steam-powered puter. There sems to be a shortage of the right sort of coal. :scratch:

My laptop puter has gone to the puter clinic. It was diagnosed as possibly terminally non-functional. The expert man is going to see what can be done, and let me know later in the week.
Surely the laptop puter just needs its valves re seating and then a few sharp smacks on the side with a large hammer.:thumbsup:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Tea for me.Feeling rather smug,a lovely ride to Otley for a couple of lunchtime lattes then back home and knocked off the family ironing in double quick time.The weather is improving so monday going to York for a scouting mission.Trying to find the route out of York for Stamford Bridge.


Find your way out of York through Osbaldwick. The cycle path that takes you on the old railway route is closed at one point, with less than clear diversion signs, so you may find it easier to ride out on Lawrence St/Hull Road (A1079), and turn left just after B and Q, then follow the road round to the right. Keep going, (passing under the A64) to a T junction on the edge of Murton. Here, there's a cycle route sign directing you right on Route 66. If you go that way, you'll wiggle through Dunnington, and end up doing a section of off-road track, which I generally avoid on thin tyres, as it can be rough and narrow. I like tarmac.

My preference is to turn left at that T-junction. Follow the road (a bit twisty, but not too busy) to the next T-junction, then go right towards Holtby.

After about a mile, there's a left turn to Warthill, take that.

At Warthill (T-junction again), turn left, and go through the village. After about a mile, there's a right turn to Gate Helmsley. Take that. There's a short sharp hill, and then you come down to a T where you turn right. This takes you down to the A166, where you turn left. You can ride alongside it on the path. If you rode on the road, it would take you into Stamford Bridge, but I wouldn't, it's a busy road and not that wide. Ride along the path until just after the Balloon Tree farmshop, then cross over and you'll find a nice little path* on the other side that takes you through a little wood, and then up onto the old railway path, over the viaduct, through the old station, and then into the edge of Stamford Bridge. Turn left to go down into town.

* this path is where you'd come out if you followed the 'official' route.

NT and I did that route on Sunday on our 50 miler...

I've had a rather nice dinner of green salad with a balsamic vinagrette, a portion of my bean curry from last night, served cold, and some noodles dressed in soy sauce and sesame oil.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
And now I guarantee that during all those six long days, this will be looping through your head

I saw a documentary about the rise of the pop video, and Midge Ure was interviewed. He said they got a director on board, who said he had great ideas and images in mind, mostly involving gondolas drifting in and out of mist.

He had to be told the difference between Vienna and Venice....
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