Tea? (Part 2)

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My Armchair

The one show at the NRM :thumbsup:

Night Train

Maker of Things
I wonder if its a boy unicorn *blushes*
Oh, I think so, it's got a very manly gallop.
I hope you're not trying to pimp out your fiancée :eek: ^_^
Only his avatar!

Night Train

Maker of Things
Hmm the hair swishing is a bit suspect tho :thumbsup:
I'll have you know that for much of my younger adult life I had hair that was down to my shoulder blades.

My hair is a fair bit shorter now though.;)

Re: The One Show. They kept switching from the images of Bittern to some old bloke and a blonde woman. There was only glimpses of loco.
Also, why do they give fancy personalised gifts to rich folks who can afford their own when they could do that for the non rich folks who sometimes appear on the show.:wacko:


Midlands UK
Back from a run, showered and ready for 8pm when we can watch the pre recorded high-lights of The Tour. Delicious chicken fajitas for dinner but I have run up an appetite so an apple is waiting to be consumed.
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