Tea? (Part 2)

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Midlands UK
I'm here. I was going to stay in the workshop but decided to strip apart a couple of aluminium external sign boards to save doing it in the rain tomorrow.

My finger is throbbing. There is a flap of skin pealed off just behind my finger nail and the back half of the finger nail is very black. I won't lose the nail, I don't think, but it does hurt. Time for a pain killer I reckon.

Anyway, I am showered and have a :cuppa: while waiting for Horizon on BBC2 tonight.

We have essential supplies for the programme, chocolate, TVC has g&t, I have red wine :thumbsup:


Oh yes, Horizon, lets hope it's a proper one, and not a Playschool doc with quick cuts and wobbly cameras. We tried to watch 'The Rise of the Continents' but the whole thing was nausiating with shuddering graphics, flash cuts and over powering whooshing noises. TV editors sometimes need a good slap.

And relax.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I'm here. I was going to stay in the workshop but decided to strip apart a couple of aluminium external sign boards to save doing it in the rain tomorrow.

My finger is throbbing. There is a flap of skin pealed off just behind my finger nail and the back half of the finger nail is very black. I won't lose the nail, I don't think, but it does hurt. Time for a pain killer I reckon.

Anyway, I am showered and have a :cuppa: while waiting for Horizon on BBC2 tonight.

Ah! Any chance you got the map out of that other one in one piece? David was saying he was thinking of trying to save it, and the leaflet holder. No worries if not...

I'm watching the Black Hole thing too...

:hugs: for your poorly finger...


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Oh yes, Horizon, lets hope it's a proper one, and not a Playschool doc with quick cuts and wobbly cameras. We tried to watch 'The Rise of the Continents' but the whole thing was nausiating with shuddering graphics, flash cuts and over powering whooshing noises. TV editors sometimes need a good slap.

And relax.

We've quite enjoyed the Continents thing, but I agree the effects are overdone. I find the presence of Dr Ian Stewart quite a good compensation though. Did you see the bit where he jumped into the river at the top of the Victoria Falls? :eek: Turned out there was a pool of quite still water with a lip to stop anyone going over, but it was a bit of shock when he did it!


My Armchair
By the way, who is Potsy?


My Armchair
Or maybe :laugh:



Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Where is everyone? All in the pub?

The kettle is on....:cuppa: anyone?

Yes yes I need tea, I am still recovering from last week where I drank nothing but was about as tense & strung out as I get and by Sunday it felt like I had the mother of all hangovers & have only just recovered from feeling exhausted.

I am now hiding from Mum who keeps phoning and saying random items to me, like Pool Shoes! then Conditioner - spray or bottle? and Calpol or Calprofen?with no pre-amble

I chose to confuse her right back when I answered the phone and heard her say "plasters" (no hello or nothing) so I said "monkey" and that made her very quiet


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Oh, there's a game you could play for days!:giggle:

Don't! Lol I suspect I shall have quite a few weeks of this until August when she removes the two small people from my care & takes them away for 2 weeks by then I also suspect I will need the 2 weeks to recover from the work up of her taking them away :laugh:

I assumed saying Plasters at me was which ones so Monkey was the correct reply, cos that's what we usually buy,

although today we did purchase Mr Happy & Mr Tickle plasters because they were on BOGOF offer


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?

Oooh they look good. Small people have quite outlandish tastes in plasters but usually get herded in the direction of whatever is cheap as smallest is going through the I require a plaster to fix every "owie" phase whether there is blood or not. Hubby was less than amused when he had to have a Hello Kitty plaster the other day though when he cut his finger ^_^
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