Tea? (Part 2)

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Night Train

Maker of Things
This isn't Earl Grey I did leave a note for Earl Grey and there is no cake.

Who is in charge of cake?
Sorry, I had the Earl Grey, I thought it was mine.:blush:

No cake for a day or so. I am all baked out.:heat:
Nothing stopping you from getting in the kitchen and baking though.:hungry:


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Sorry, I had the Earl Grey, I thought it was mine.:blush:

No cake for a day or so. I am all baked out.:heat:
Nothing stopping you from getting in the kitchen and baking though.:hungry:

There is we have enough pudding/snack stuffs still have strawberry & rhubarb pie left & also small people requested jelly with grapes in & Mr Puddles asked for Creme Brulee so no more kitchen for me today.

Plus the biggest thing, the kitchen stinks of their favourite Prawn Curry xx( so I am trying not to smell it bubbling in the slow cooker.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
What is this Earl Grey stuff......anyone will tell you Taylor's Yorkshire tea is the best. I could give my reasoning for this statement but I think it's a truism on its own :giggle:

Sometimes just sometimes you have to have a cup of Earl Grey made with leaves from a pot and remember people who are no longer here and called it "Gay" tea and who was by their own naming "a screaming la-la"

I do not favour an orange tea but a middle of the road is fine by me, I prefer leaves but they are more of a bugger to get hold of nowadays without the price being eeek!


I understand that someone has hacked Potsy's account and is posing as him to cause mischief. Don't trust anything this person posts.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I'm in from work, and very :tired:. Managed to make beans on toast for dinner, and a cup of tea that didn't touch the sides going down. Think I need another one now!



For a change today, I had fried bread with my baked beans and bacon. ^_^

I call it fried bread, but it is just dipped in the chip pan, drained well, and then grilled with the bacon.
Ah yes, the Potsy diet plan, I know it well
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