Tea? (Part 2)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Oh dear look what fell into my basket however did they get there :mrpig:



Afternoons teabag dunkers. Finished work for the week, we have wine, chocolate, blue cheese and the brand new Sigur Ros CD. A relaxing evening is in prospect.

Off to the farmers market tomorrow, going to see Ben my tame farmer and explain about the mad woman who compared the shape of the horns on his pedigree Longhorn Cattle to various handlebar shapes the last time we met.


Midlands UK
I think it's time for :cuppa:

I'm parched and worn out. A week ago young Rocky minimus got a piece of glass in his left ring finger and it damaged his ulna nerve. On Monday he was booked to have it operated on....but was cancelled because of a series of emergency cases arriving at the ward. Yesterday, as I might have mentioned he was told that he had passed his finals. Today I got up at 5.00am to drive to Cambridge and take him in to hospital. He had the surgery and all seems to be OK. The shard of glass had dissected his nerve but luckily done no further damage. I'm now back home. I will not be cycling :giggle:

I did give him a little parental advice about avoiding drinking games that involve excessive rowdiness. I'm not sure he was listening tho' .......

To you and Rocky minimus :hugs: hope you are both ok :thumbsup:


Midlands UK
I've got bean weevil :cry:


Thanks Lu......his finger should heal completely in 6 months but given that he's just about to start medical school, is left handed and wants to be a surgeon, it wasn't the most sensible thing to do.

Ah......the follies of youth. You'd never have caught me doing such silly things when I was 21 :whistle:
Oh dear, I guess that that means Proctology is out as a career option.
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