Tea? (Part 2)

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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
:hello: :bicycle: :sun::cuppa::thumbsup:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
We're back in 2013!

We had a great day - the sun shone, there were trucks and guns and trains and peopleincostume and chips and burgers and beer.

But before we tell you more, a question:


No? No, I thought not. We're having a nice :cuppa: now.

Huge thanks to TVC and Lu for having the idea, and giving us a lift, and generally being fab company!:hugs:

Night Train

Maker of Things
It was a really great day out and lovely meeting Lu and TVC.
I am knackered and exhausted now, and posting on my phone so Arch will upload my photos and video later.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
We hopped on a train at Loughborough, and went all the way to Occupied France (Birstall), where we had a cuppa and a bacon bap. We also tasted some samples of wartime cake - a fatless sponge, and an 'apricot' tart, that didn't have any apricots in it. It was grated carrot instead.

I liked it, better than apricot! I don't like apricot very much.

We also had a look at some hardware:

Then it was back on the train to Rothley, where there were Germans encamped, including a chap with a loaded military tourer:

Then, onto Quorn, where there was loads of stuff to see - vintage vehicles, Churchill, The King and Queen (they may not have been the real people), memorabilia and vintage clothes for sale, and most importantly, a coal fired chip van!

Very good they were too, and I had a pickled egg, probably half the ration or something. TVC also spotted that the burgers were being sold by his favourite beef farmer, so we had to have one of those too. We might have had a pint as well.

We watched a bit of hose work by the National Fire Service, and then hopped on a train back to Rothley for The Battle! Lots of people had the same idea, so it was quite busy:

Pause for a moment to think about the many who travelled in far worse conditions, and never came back.

Anyway, the battle was lots of bangs and flashes, and chaps running about, and predictably, we won.

Then we hopped on the train all the way back to Loughborough, bought a much needed reviving :cuppa: and went for a wander round the engine sheds, where there was a lot of Machine Tool Lust. A very good day indeed!


Right Potsy and Rocky, any more cheek from you and the girls are ready

Arch has a surprise in store for Wol, once she spots her

How inappropriate can I be?

Proof that the German army marches on it's stomach

NT's latest project was not going as well as he had hoped
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