Tea? (Part 2)

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Legendary Member
Is it time for some new curtains in here?


Of particular relevance is that the colourway is called "Marmalade". :blink:


I do not need any new curtains at present, but I am trying to think what useful item could be made out of that fabric.

I slept well last night - six hours' uninterrupted sleep. ^_^

Congrats on the sleep front.

For the fabric, have you thought about a peg bag for the washing line! An old coat hanger and two squares of fabric, job done. Although if it's on old curtain might be a bit big. :eek: .
Or cushion covers???

:hello: Morning all!! Lovely sunny ride in, but hayfever....Booooo! Must be the grass pollen.


Vice Admiral
It is new fabric, 54 inches wide, which would make a very large peg bag. I could make one of those organiser thingybobs that hang on the back of a door. :scratch:


Legendary Member
It is new fabric, 54 inches wide, which would make a very large peg bag. I could make one of those organiser thingybobs that hang on the back of a door. :scratch:

Hang on....you're thinking of buying this material? I thought it 'was' an old curtain. In that case :stop:Wait a couple of days then consider if you still think it's a lovely pattern. :tongue:

(No offence intended I was just saying...:smile: )


Vice Admiral

I know where to find the Owl fabric, if I decide to buy some and make something sensible with it.


Sorry, I don't do DIY - and if you need confirmation of how rubbish I am at sewing curtains, ask Mrs. Admin. :laugh:

I do pride myself on being able to produce a mean hair-bun though - which is no small feat when you see how thin and whispy Little Ms. Admin's hair is. :thanks:
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