Tea? (Part 2)

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Vice Admiral
I have it on my Kindle (Fire). When I first saw e-readers ooohh about two years ago, I was not impressed, but I am very pleased with the Kindle. ^_^ It prevents me accumulating too many paperback books.


Vice Admiral
HUG smiley.gif Biscuit



I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I just love these summer evenings I get to do the rides I normally have to wait until the weekend to do on an evening after work.

Did a lovely 37 miles this evening up over them there hills and almost made it to 40mph on the way down into Otley but the pesky headwind held me back to 37.19mph :cursing: and it was boiling hot even at nearly 10pm.


Legendary Member
Morning All :hello: Nice and :sun:here. A little bit of DIY, and then out for a ride down the lanes.

@Rockymountain how did RMminor2's exams go?
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