Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Grrrrrrr. My antivirus is playing up and everyso often it decides to stop me typing by until I click the cursor back into the text box. It's very annoying. I think I'll have to do a restart...

Night Train

Maker of Things
I decided, spur of the moment like, to phone an insurance company to get a 'ball park' quote on insuring the EVan-Tricycle when it is built.
£397 for 3k miles a year social and domestic pleasure for me and Arch, and business use for me only. That is half what I pay for my diesel car!

I can also insure the Electric tractor for about the same amount if I got it road legal.

They also had really great music to dance to while I was on hold....:blush:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I decided, spur of the moment like, to phone an insurance company to get a 'ball park' quote on insuring the EVan-Tricycle when it is built.
£397 for 3k miles a year social and domestic pleasure for me and Arch, and business use for me only. That is half what I pay for my diesel car!

I can also insure the Electric tractor for about the same amount if I got it road legal.

They also had really great music to dance to while I was on hold....:blush:

I'll thank you not to go talking about our domestic pleasure on the internet! ;)

Good work - sounds like that wasn't nearly as complicated as we thought it would be...

We envisaged the conversation:

NT: I'd like a quote to insure a vehicle.
Insurance Droid on phone: Ok, what type of vehicle?
NT: A van.
ID: I'll just bring up the 'van' page. Petrol or diesel?
NT: Electric.
ID: Ah. I'll just bring up that page... Make?
NT: I built it myself...
ID: Um..
NT: It's got three wheels.
ID: Er....
NT: It's very cute...
ID: Um. I... er... Just putting you on hold...
ID aside to boss: You won't believe this one!

Note to self. It might have seemed like a good idea to unreel that wire off the reel to wind it in a bit tighter, but really, it wasn't was it. I mean, obviously it was going to tangle up. And then when you'd nearly got it all untangled and rewound, dropping the spool was really stupid!:banghead:

I should have got TVC to give some professional advice. Still, it's done now, and will make good antennae for the butterflies my craft group make on Wednesday.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I went to Sainsburys just now, via my usual route, and there was a chap walking ahead of me. He got up the few steps to the car park, stopped, looked confused, turned round and walked back. Lost, I thought.

Then I got to the same spot, stopped, and looked confused. The car park is being dug up and resurfaced, and there was no way across, it was all blocked with metal fencing.

Oh well, I'll have to get in via the other corner. So I walked down there, and saw the door I normally exit from, barred and locked! I started to wonder if the place was actually open...

I had to walk all along the front of the store to a side entrance, and when I got in I saw that they are rebuilding the supermarket too, so lots of stuff was rearranged! Too much for my small brain to cope with!

Still, I got my shopping eventually, and I'll be making a batch of pasta sauce shortly.

Night Train

Maker of Things
We envisaged the conversation:

NT: I'd like a quote to insure a vehicle.
Insurance Droid on phone: Ok, what type of vehicle?
NT: A van.
ID: I'll just bring up the 'van' page. Petrol or diesel?
NT: Electric.
ID: Ah. I'll just bring up that page... Make?
NT: I built it myself...
ID: Um..
NT: It's got three wheels.
ID: Er....
NT: It's very cute...
ID: Um. I... er... Just putting you on hold...
ID aside to boss: You won't believe this one!
Fortunately it was more like:
Switchboard: I'll just put you through....
Me: I am just phoning to check if you'd cover this at all, before I invest too much time and money.
Person 1: OK tell me what it is.
Me: Well, I'm scratch building a van, it will be electric, and I want to use it for work. Oh, it only has three wheels.
P1: OK, that will put it in our motorbikes category and we're cars. I'll put you through....
Person 2: How can I help you?
Me: I am just phoning to check if you'd cover this at all, before I invest too much time and money.
P2: OK tell me what you are doing.
Me: Well, I'm scratch building a van, it will be electric, and I want to use it for work and it only has three wheels.
P2: Ahhh, if you want to use it for work I will have to put you through to the commercials department.
Me: OK
Person 3: How can I help you today?
Me: I am just phoning to check if you'd cover this at all, before I invest too much time and money. I'm scratch building a van, it will be electric, and I want to use it for work and it only has three wheels.
P3: OK, that will be fine. Let me get some details
(details are given)
P3: I will just check to see what we can do for you.
P3: That is no problem, I think we have got you a very good quote of £397.76
Me: :dance:Great! can you quote for my tractor as well?
P3: Certainly, same terms as before?
Me: Yes please.
(more details are given)
P3: So how many miles will you do per year?
Me: Hardly any!
P3: 15?
Me: 15 sounds about right, maybe less.
P3: OK, 1500 miles then
Me: No just 15 miles, may be only 10 or 5!
P3: Haha, 1500 is the lowest we quote for.
Me: OK.
P3: OK, I'll see what we can do.
P3: Yes we can do that at £394.65
Me: :dance::dance::dance:
Me: Oh, can I just say that your 'hold' music is great. I've been dancing away in between talking to you!
P3: :laugh:
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