Well done NT.....I hate banks but it sounds like you had a productive meeting.
Well, I got my business account started, that would have happened within half an hour but we got onto public liability insurance and the business manager phoned the insurance department to see if I could get a quote.
Then it got difficult...
I don't know yet what my main work will be, what my turn over will be, or when I will start. Also it was difficult when we couldn't decide if I was going to work mainly in wood, or mainly in metal. Then the concept of welding was raised..., then making parts for bicycles...., then working on electric vehicles....., and it all went pear shaped and so we reduced it back down to making pretty little trinkets, that don't put any one at any risk, and I do no more then a minimal installation in a a domestic, retail or office environment before the chap decided that it was too early in the game to produce a useful quote!