Tea? (Part 2)

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Legendary Member
:hello: Morning all. Any more :cuppa:. We have :sun: :wahhey:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Morning all! Nice and sunny here too, which is good, coz we're going out for the day to look at steamy oily things.^_^

Just need to have a spot of breakfast, and make up some sandwiches, and pack them along with the scotch eggs and the jam donuts.:hungry:

First though, :cuppa:


Legendary Member
Morning all! Nice and sunny here too, which is good, coz we're going out for the day to look at steamy oily things.^_^

Just need to have a spot of breakfast, and make up some sandwiches, and pack them along with the scotch eggs and the jam donuts.:hungry:

First though, :cuppa:

:hungry: * heads to kitchen *
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