Afternoon all. (or top of the morning or whatever it is for Rocky).
We've been to the car boot sale, where NT spent a whole pound*. Then we came back into town via the reading cafe in Rowntree Park where they do a very splendid chocolate orange cake. Then we had a turn about town, where I spent a whole pound in a charity shop**, and another in the pound shop***, and then we went to Sainsburys for ingredients for tonight's Paella. We also picked up some focaccia and pie in town, which will make up a packed lunch for an outing tomorrow.
Somewhere along the way, I posed with a small wol.

NT will post a pic shortly no doubt.
Both quite

now, and reviving with
* On a curvy spirit level for measuring angles
** On a small bag of assorted beading threads.
*** On a hat to decorate for the St Nicks 'race night'.