Tea? (Part 2)

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
I'm now having :cuppa: and toast before heading off to the quack to get my travel jabs....ouch :eek:
Hmph! You have just reminded me that:
  • Today is a fasting day, so my big porridge brunch will have to be replaced by a small bowl of natural yoghurt and banana.
  • It is time to get my (hopefully) final blood tests done. If they turn out negative, then I will probably be officially declared well and able to get back to what passes for a normal life here. A positive result would be disappointing and worrying. The doctors would stick me back on Warfarin, potentially for life, and probably insist on doing increasingly invasive and nasty things to me!


West Somerset
It is time to get my (hopefully) final blood tests done. If they turn out negative, then I will probably be officially declared well and able to get back to what passes for a normal life here. A positive result would be disappointing and worrying. The doctors would stick me back on Warfarin, potentially for life, and probably insist on doing increasingly invasive and nasty things to me!


Legendary Member
Hmph! You have just reminded me that:
  • Today is a fasting day, so my big porridge brunch will have to be replaced by a small bowl of natural yoghurt and banana.
  • It is time to get my (hopefully) final blood tests done. If they turn out negative, then I will probably be officially declared well and able to get back to what passes for a normal life here. A positive result would be disappointing and worrying. The doctors would stick me back on Warfarin, potentially for life, and probably insist on doing increasingly invasive and nasty things to me!

Hope all goes well Colin.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Ah - they don't have the set of 7 tubes needed (:eek:!!!) at the local clinic but they do at Mytholmroyd so I am now booked in there later in the week.

A friend lives in the village and is working from home most days so I will see if I can call round for tea and biscuits after the draining is completed! If the weather is okay that day, I'll get a 5 mile round trip walk in while I am at it.

PS Even though I hate needles, giving 7 tubes is only marginally worse than 1 since they only stick 1 needle in. They must use something with a little tap on it to regulate the flow. I had it done last time, but my eyes are always tightly shut while it is going on so I never see what the nurse is doing. I would probably flake out if I looked. (Yes - ColinJ = Big wimp! :whistle:)


Puzzle game procrastinator!
As you've probably guessed, I'm back. I've had Hep A, Hep B, Typhoid, Japanese Encephalitis, Tetanus, Polio and Diphtheria....the jabs, I mean, not the diseases (hopefully). I'm beginning to feel like one of Wol's pin cushions :laugh:

:cuppa: needed, then lunch and then an afternoon gardening for old Mrs Rocky grrrrrr
Yikes! And they were all separate injections ...? xx(

(In case anybody is getting deja vu about my bloodtests - yes, they did these tests about 7 weeks ago but Warfarin interferes with part of the Thrombophilia test so it needs to be repeated once the drug is out of one's system.)


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Manchester :laugh:

In that case you may also need a Stab Vest, Large Knife, Uzi 9mm .....................

Night Train

Maker of Things
@ColinJ Good luck with the test results. :thumbsup:

OK, this probably doesn't warrant a thread of its own, especially on a cycling forum (though when has that ever stopped anyone!:giggle:) so I thought I'd ask here.

I am preparing to send a parcel, not an Ebay item, and according to the Royal Mail website a Small Parcel is:
Length 45cm
Width 35cm
Depth 8cm
Weight up to 2kg max

My parcel is 33cm x 22cm x 7.5cm weight 900g.

However, the problem is that it is only 7.5cm deep when I press the air out of the wrapping. Then it slowly inflates a bit to about 8.5cm!

Is the Royal Mail going to charge me for a small parcel when I take it to the post office and then charge the recipient for it being a medium parcel when it arrives?:scratch:

The cost difference is £4.20 for a small parcel and £6.75 for a medium parcel so should I just say it is a medium parcel?



West Somerset
NT, pierce a small hole in the wrapping so it doesn't reinflate :thumbsup:

Oh and happy, um, well you know


Night Train

Maker of Things
NT, pierce a small hole in the wrapping so it doesn't reinflate :thumbsup:
I was trying the other way, sealing up all the holes and then inserting a straw to suck the air out.
Big tip: Don't try sucking out air from recycled packaging by mouth xx( when there is a perfectly good professional vacuum pump on the floor in the kitchen!:blush:

Vacuum packing it worked but there is still air getting in somewhere and re-inflating the Jiffy bag inside the plastic parcel bag.

I will either re-package it all or just go with the higher postage.

Night Train

Maker of Things
Right, I'm ok, no harm done, just a bit :wacko:

I fainted a little while ago.
I was browsing Ebay and then decided to get up to get a biscuit (or was it a banana?) and never made it across the kitchen.
I saw stars and then found myself in an 'out of body experience' watching myself slump against the kitchen units. I didn't understand what was happening at first, it felt like I was watching myself in a play acting a part. Then I eventually came round and got up. It took me a moment to get my bearings and work out which experience was real.

I will have a :cuppa: in a moment.

I had been feeling dizzy over the weekend, on a few brief occasions. I am hoping this isn't the onset of something again.
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