Had a bad Thursday again today. Level 2's are driving me mad. I'm not drowning though, just treading water. The training isn't out there for me at the moment as the department is short staffed and I'm not due to start my PGCE until September, if I choose to accept the job.
The head of hort has said that I have to remember that all students have a right to fail. Seven of them didn't bother to turn up today and two left after break. Am I a dictatorship? I don't know.
At least I could send a young offender to jail if they didn't comply with the community service order. This is completely different.
Unfortunately that is how it is sometimes when you have level 1 and 2 learners. Don't take it personally.
So long as you are doing your bit, getting lessons planned, making sure you have the right work for them to do, and making as interesting as you can then there isn't much more you can do at this stage.
I made a bedside table this afternoon.
I was sorting out stuff into my latest Brom bag and decided I was fed up with not having anywhere to put stuff at Arch's. It is only the little things, glasses, meds, phone, book, snotty nose tissues, etc. so I had a quick rummage of my scraps of plywood and made a bit of simple furniture. It is only two sides (10mm), two shelves (18mm) and a back (6mm) but it will do. It is 400mm high, 275mm wide and 150mm deep.
*Waits for Arch to reply saying that it is too wide and will stop the door opening.