Tea? (Part 2)

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Vice Admiral
I was up-dating the database at the Pump House. At the end of each month, someone takes a note of, amongst other things, the water taken in from the mains, the amount of "harvested" water, the water "out" and the amount of electricity and gas used.
Except they had not included the decimal point, ok fairy nough, I worked that out, but then found some figures had too many digits, :scratch: and did not follow on sequens secqu logically from the previous figures. They managed to do this for three months figures.

The :eek: was because I was cataloguing some books, and upon quickly perusing one book, I decided that its content was rather too adult, and that is putting it mildly, for a Library used by young children.


Vice Admiral
@TheDoctor - what was your :eek: ?


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Something serious must have happened in the local Market Place car park (where we normally meet for my forum rides) - I just walked past on the way to the shops and there are several police vehicles in attendance. The stalls for tomorrow's market are in place but the police have just cordoned off one end of them and somebody is setting up a tripod from which to take crime scene photos. I hope nobody is badly hurt! :sad:

Night Train

Maker of Things
Ermm, no.
It was actually a bag of pebbles - I nipped out to get some stuff for the garden at lunchtime.
Small pebbles are surprisingly heavy when there's a big bag of 'em.
Should have gone to B&Q, the bag would have been lighter then expected.

As I found out recently, that when gauging the amount of ballast and cement needed for a mix of concrete counting bags doesn't work when the cement is the usual 25kg, as marked on the bag by Lafarge, and the ballast has been reduced to around 20kg, but not marked on the bag by B&Q.:cursing:

On the other hand it is also odd that Arch struggles to pick up a bag of the ballast but manages the bag of cement.:huh::training:


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Our local B&Q has the worlds most irritating layout. It's on two floors linked by the worlds slowest escalator, and wherever you are, the thing you need is as far away as it's possible to get without it actually being in Argos, over the road and 1/4 mile away. There are people who've been stranded in there since it opened because they've never managed to find some M5 bolts and a spanner before one or other of them has rusted into uselessness.
Wickes, OTOH, is simplicity itself. One floor and everything is clearly marked on a map as you go in the door.


My Armchair
:rain: here too, should just about dry out in time to get wet again on the way home :rolleyes:

:cuppa: & a breakfast biscuit or 4.


Yep, :cuppa: and bacon, what better start can you have to a day. Getting ready to head off to Larndun to get some culture at The National Gallery, a bit of tea in China Town, then head off down to Brixton Acadamy to see Sigur Ros. It's going to be a great day.
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