Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I made a bedside table this afternoon.
I was sorting out stuff into my latest Brom bag and decided I was fed up with not having anywhere to put stuff at Arch's. It is only the little things, glasses, meds, phone, book, snotty nose tissues, etc. so I had a quick rummage of my scraps of plywood and made a bit of simple furniture. It is only two sides (10mm), two shelves (18mm) and a back (6mm) but it will do. It is 400mm high, 270mm wide and 150mm deep.

*Waits for Arch to reply saying that it is too wide and will stop the door opening.:whistle: *

I have no doubt whatsoever that you measured the gap and wrote down or memorised the dimensions...;)

Or do you really need me to check?

The problem is that I really can't move the bed over at all, as the wardrobe and my beside table are already crammed up against the corner.

Night Train

Maker of Things
I have no doubt whatsoever that you measured the gap and wrote down or memorised the dimensions...;)

Or do you really need me to check?

The problem is that I really can't move the bed over at all, as the wardrobe and my beside table are already crammed up against the corner.
You could check....

Might give me a chance to make adjustments before it is too late.:unsure:
It is mainly checking the width of 275mm will fit and clear the door.:thumbsup:

Night Train

Maker of Things
This is the Brompton socket I knocked up earlier. It is a bit rough but is a proof of concept. It is in 3mm aluminium and is a bit on the thick side. I punched the holes to make then dimpled so the screws would clear the block.
There is a phenolic board on the inside to stiffen the bag. The bag is one with an expanding section so it can be quite spacious inside.


This is the little bedside table 'dressed' to see if everything will fit.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
You could check....

Might give me a chance to make adjustments before it is too late.:unsure:
It is mainly checking the width of 275mm will fit and clear the door.:thumbsup:


That puts it just about halfway across the architrave.

I'll have to find somewhere else to hang all my shopping bags and stuff (they currently hang over the handle, and stick out from the edge of the door). Maybe should put a hook on the back of the door. It's too tight a fit for one of those over the door hanger things.

Night Train

Maker of Things

That puts it just about halfway across the architrave.

I'll have to find somewhere else to hang all my shopping bags and stuff (they currently hang over the handle, and stick out from the edge of the door). Maybe should put a hook on the back of the door. It's too tight a fit for one of those over the door hanger things.
OK, I could put it sideways on so it only sticks out the 150mm.

We could look at adding a hook to the door, anyway, if you like.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
I've got a room!

That's the problem, I've only got a room, so it gets a bit crowded!
How many "friends" can fit then Arch?


Sigur Ros.... awesome. Today I have also discovered I like the work of Canaletto, didn't see that one coming.

Now backahome, red wine and pizza to unwind. Not an early start tomorrow.

Night Train

Maker of Things
Didn't have such a good night sleep, woke up a few times with a sore palate from a dry mouth. Over slept and didn't get up until just after 8am.:tired:

Still, have had a :cuppa: and need to get on with some stuff now.:thumbsup:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
If anyone on here had a Yahoo Mail account make sure your password is secure I just had a phone call from the 3rd of my customers this week who have had their Yahoo Email Account hacked and judging by google it is happening quite a lot.

The hackers log into the account and spam all the contacts with an email containing a link.

Make sure you password is not a single word or name use a mixture of letters and numbers, also if you have a BT email account remember they also use Yahoo.
I only use my yahoo account for buying and signing up for stuff so I am just going through all the emails to make sure there is nothing there that they could use and I am also deleting all the contacts so they cant use them.


Phil, it happened to my niece as well, the link looked like a German site about Chuahuas. I deleted because it looked wrong as an e-mail from her, others opened it to find a site selling non prescription drugs.
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