Tea? (Part 2)

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Vice Admiral

I have also been gardening, and removing chunks of set cement/concrete from the lawn. It was finally dry enough to lift them up in complete chunks.

The cats were fascinated by all this activity and gazed upon me with admiration, while they were comfortably lounging in the sun.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
No, I do not think they are crocheteteteteded. If you look at the triangle at 6 o'clock*, that looks knitteteded.

It might be starting off with 50 stitches, and then decreasing every five stitches. @Arch is good at knittingising and the making up of patterns.

* There is no need to wait until this evening to do that. :laugh:

I'm sure I've seen a method somewhere. If I can remember where, and find the book, I'll tell you!

Just settled down to dinner and :cuppa:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Mine's emigrating next week.
She's of the same mould as wol's and rocky's. Is it wrong that I'm a bit :dance: as well as :blink::wacko::cry::B):gun:?
Family can wind you up sometimes. I don't know what to suggest other than:hugs:.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
I remember when we took her round Bamburgh Castle... she moved a notice asking people not to sit on one particular rare Louis XIVth chair before slumping gratefully onto it because she'd walked enough...
Mind you it is good fun with her around... for a while.
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