I can't help it: sorry everybody...
"Gentleman of leisure outfit"? I'm actually too scared to google...
Please describe your "gentleman of leisure" outfit.
Ha ha ...
My lower-half: I am wearing a pair of baggy 'Original Lonsdale London' 2 stripe jogging bottoms. I think my DVT was caused by sitting around for too long in overtight trousers and for obvious reasons, I'm paranoid about that happening again. They look naff, but they are extremely comfortable.
On top: I have a long-sleeved cotton top in an iffy shade of light olive green, over that is a long-sleeved black top in a light fleecy material which would look okay if it didn't attract and show up every item of fluff, hair, badger droppings, owl feathers etc. that it comes into contact with. On top of that, my big old lumberjack shirt which is starting to fall apart, but it is comfy and warm so it is fine for wearing indoors.
Oh, and on my feet I have a big warm pair of woolly socks the heels of which are completely warn away. Still, waste not, want not, eh?
So, I get changed to go out. Not that what I wear outdoors is particularly fashionable either, but at least it hasn't got holes in!