Tea? (Part 2)

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Night Train

Maker of Things
I watched a documentary the other night about how Google 'scanned' books. In fact, they found it much quicker to photograph the pages.

After watching that, I was thinking that I might 'do a Night Train' and cobble something together from bits and pieces (including my camera) to make a 'scanning station'. I have an old scanner but it is slow and clunky.
I have only ever had a scanner for a short period, it took ages to scan. I have been photographing documents and books for ages. It was one way around the college library not letting me get photocopies form some of the reference books.:whistle:

I fancy getting a sheet of that non-reflective picture glass to use. It would hold pages and loose sheets flat to photograph without annoying reflections.

:sad: Last Sunday, my efforts to defrost my Mother's freezer, was a complete waste of time and effort. Today she rang to say that everything in the freezer has gone soft, ie defrosted. When I told my brother that about one inch of frost had accumulated on the "pipes" in the (upright) freezer, he said he thought the compressor had failed. :scratch:Does any technically-minded person on here know if that is correct?

Did you remember to plug it back in and switch it on?
How were you removing the inch of ice? Could you have damaged the cooling pipes?

Usually if it is freezing up and too cold it is the thermostat at fault and not opening. Not freezing now could also indicate the thermostat is now not closing.


Vice Admiral
[/quote] Did you remember to plug it back in and switch it on?
How were you removing the inch of ice? Could you have damaged the cooling pipes?

Usually if it is freezing up and too cold it is the thermostat at fault and not opening. Not freezing now could also indicate the thermostat is now not closing.[/quote]

Yes definitely put the plug back in the socket, switched on at the socket. Also put it on "boost" or fast freeze. My Mother turned off the boost about 24 hours later.

I put small quantities of very hot, but not boling water in mugs, baking trays etc. and let the steam do most of the work. I was very careful not to bash, chip away at, or otherwise make contact with the cooling pipes. I am not intending to make an 80 mile round trip to sort this out. Her excellent Handy man will be there on Tuesday, so I will ring him on Monday night to explain the situation, and ask him to have a look for anything obvious.


West Somerset
I have a date on Wednesday..............:laugh:, with a chimney sweep who is going to sort out my mother's chimney. I can't wait :tongue:
Ear. Worm. From. Hell.






De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
We got snow overnight... well, a thin coating of sleet really, and it's melting.... so, not snow.:sad:

:cuppa: ?

Morning! [Good to see you Nihal!]
Hope you got your [mum's] freezer sorted S... our fridge at the office iced up last week when someone left the door open slightly so it was on overtime all night.


West Somerset
World's most pathetic snowfall here last night. The wheelie bin looks like it's got dandruff. :giggle:

Trying to decide where to ride. The cycle group's going out this morning but it's too :cold: to be meeting up that early.

C'mon rocky, you can do it. :cold:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
A bit :cold: here too. We have stuff to get on with this morning, and a wedding to go to this afternoon...

I gave in to the inevitable on the train yesterday, and downloaded Angry Birds. I may have just wasted the rest of my life.

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