Tea? (Part 2)

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Midlands UK


My Armchair
I thought you'd be nice and 'svelte' by now? :whistle:

I definitely want to veto baggy-eyed and balding shots! I look pretty haggard with the strains of this illness, and my hair loss and greying has been accelerated. I'll sport my CC buff on my head, and wear a pair of shades for all photos including me, ta very much! (At least the old aero belly should no longer be a problem.)
Could be a very small photo album then :laugh:

Can we get a written contract that all participants have to sign?
Or maybe do a security check at the car park and confiscate all cameras but ours? :whistle:


Midlands UK
Most of the people on FB that I ignore are family members ;)

We both have family and friends who are scattered about, working and raising a family so we don't get to meet up very often so FB is a great way to keep in touch, watch the little ones grow up etc.. so for that it is a good thing. Unfortuately some people use it to post offensive things. We all have a right to our opinions but I have a right to oppose their racist, offensive, purile posts by deleting them. Our dad's are half brothers and they couldn't be more different. My uncle can be racist with very strong views.


Vice Admiral
:sad: Last Sunday, my efforts to defrost my Mother's freezer, was a complete waste of time and effort. Today she rang to say that everything in the freezer has gone soft, ie defrosted. When I told my brother that about one inch of frost had accumulated on the "pipes" in the (upright) freezer, he said he thought the compressor had failed. :scratch:Does any technically-minded person on here know if that is correct?


Vice Admiral
On a lighter note I have taughted myself how to do crochet squares that are squares, as opposed to a peculiar lozenge shape.
After several decades of knitting I have accumulumated lots of wool. So to put it to good use, I have started a crochet square, and will just keep using up the oddments left over. It makes a nice change from knitting, as there are no stitches to count and the measurements are not important.


West Somerset
Oh noes. :sad:

But never mind the technical mumbo jumbo, the crucial question is whether any of it is ice cream? Am willing to offer as much, ahem, storage space as is required if so.........


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
When I was a kid, an ice cream van came into our cul-de-sac, and then wouldn't start again. There were four or five of us kids out playing, and we sat on the kerb and watched the guy trying to start the van, and discussed whether if he couldn't get going, he'd have to give away all the ice cream.

Sadly, he got it going eventually.



Vice Admiral
@Wol........that sounds like a question for NT, Archie, The Doc or TVC but to my mind, if it has defrosted itself it may be broken unless it has an automatic defrost mechanism or someone has switched it off.

Good luck with that one, Wol.
It does not have an auto defrost setting. I also do not thing it switched itself off, but could the plug have blown a fuse.

Fortunately there was not a huge amount of food in it. Thank you for your kind offer, Jo, :thumbsup: but there was only a very small tub of ice cream.


West Somerset
I do believe the co-op has Häagen-Dazs on offer at the moment :whistle:

In fact, you could just bring it straight round here, save your mother the stress of having a freezer full of melting ice cream. And a horde of strangers people pitching up on her doorstep, clutching spoons and jabbering something about owls.
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