Here's a picture of STASS and our food taken on the cafe stop on our Tuesday walk:
And here's what we finished off with:
I mentioned that I was using a new app to give me more control of my phone's camera. I hadn't switched the compression off altogether, but I made it much less aggressive so the images it produced were a big improvement over what the default camera produces. Take a look at this closeup cropped from the picture above:
I reckon that isn't bad for a handheld phone camera on automatic settings!
A shot taken on our way down from Heptonstall:
While we were walking down the hill, bromptonfb rang to see if I fancied meeting up for another coffee. I'd hit my coffee limit by then but met him anyway and drank tea. The second cafe was shut so we went in the Shoulder of Mutton in HB instead. As we went to our table, I noticed that somebody had left an iPhone on the table next to ours so we gave it to the barmaid for safe keeping. About 20 minutes later, a flustered-looking oldish man came in with a young boy, presumably granddad and grandson. He was looking around the table so it was clearly his phone that we'd found. He was mightily relieved that it was safe. He reckoned it must have fallen out of his pocket when he bent down to do up the boy's coat before heading off to the station to catch a train back to Leeds. Fortunately, he'd noticed the missing phone before the train arrived.
It also decided to delete all my sim card contacts during set up so I have lost all my numbers!
Oops - bad luck!
Years ago, my niece gave me a device years which can take a backup of a SIM's data. I forgot all about it when I switched networks recently. I hadn't realised how many CC members' numbers I had collected until I had to copy them over manually!
Even though I agree with you that Google are getting a bit scary in terms of what they know about us, I took the easy route this time and enabled the backup to them.