I arrived home, fed the cats, drank a large mug of coffee, then a small glass of sherry, ate some Bahjis (sp?) had another coffee and then had hot bath. Followed by watching "Open All Hours" I am just beginning to feel normal again.
Most of the work on the shed roof, or the water tank above the shed roof had been done. I found this out just before she said we would need to go to Homebase

to get a garden rake. So we did not need a garden rake, anyway the Handyman had already found hers and used it.
The upright freezer was badly frosted up, to a depth, in places of 12mm, instead of the advised maximum of 5mm. So it took ages to defrost. Fortunately she also has a small chest freezer which was nearly empty. So all the food went in that.
After lunch, which included a delicious lentil soup that she had made herself, I finished defrosting the freezer. Went on-line to renew her bus pass. Then set up the sewing machine, helped her make a list for me to do on-line at Tesco's, and numerous other details. phew
Tomorrow, Mr Most Excellent Handy Man will be finishing off the repairs to the water tank on the shed roof.