Tales from today's commute....

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I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Last night in work tonight and had a good but wet ride on the way in, upto a point about 1 mile from the end when Mr Pizza Delivery man decided to do a U-turn right in front of me. He was stopped on the left side of the road between other parked cars and just as I got there he began to indicate and inch out. I clocked this and moved out a little further, just in time for him to decide he had seen enough clear road looking back through his rain covered windows and mirrors and was ok to execute the U-turn quickly before the traffic approaching in the other direction arrived!!@!$K?!

I slammed on the brakes and gracefully slid the back end around to arrive at his drivers door almost sideways on with a light nudge of the front tyre and me hammering on his window with a spare hand. He only realised I was there when I began hammering, just didn’t have a clue!

No harm done and I lectured him on the importance of being really careful, because anyone not as alert as me could have been lying broken in the road thanks to him not seeing my two, more than adequate front lights. He was very apologetic so I just hope his little shock makes him more careful in future.

Still enjoyed the ride, it would be boring without these little bits of excitement thrown in for variety! :laugh:


Senior Member
@HLaB you can guarantee that a motorist will ignore a road closed sign. Some always do in the vain hope they can get through. You can also guarantee that if one motorist tries to get through then another will follow.
Not if the services have closed it up so it's impossible to get through. Like there's a closed road near me due to a sinkhole and all that area has been closed off and that road been evacuated. I've never seen anyone get into that road as it's boarderd up well and no one can get through.


Cycling Skoda lover
Nice ride to work this morning using the extended route option along the Leeds/Liverpool - Bridgewater canal before hitting the nice quiet roads to Bolton


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Perhaps This One.....
Going home this morning was at least dry, if a little chilly. Mind you, a rare (and welcome) tailwind along the A30 made it that much nicer. Unlike coming in tonight. Icy sleet within 2 miles of home felt like someone throwing needles into my face, and a headwind all the way in. Thankfully the sleet was brief, and so long as the wind stays the same I'm in for a quick ride home in the morning:smile:


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
Pleasantly cool air in this morning and one of those times I managed to stay just on the line between comfortably warm but not too warm. Frost twinkling on the road in open areas.
Half a dozen or so more cyclists out riding more than usual. Perhaps the lack of rain and wind helped?
Main bike starting to show accumulated signs of winter wear and tear. Hopefully the LBS makes it feel like a new bike again on Friday.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Woke up to find Maidstone and it's environs covered in an inch of snow and snowing heavily. Decided to ride to the nearest station and get an earlier train rather then the normal 5 miles to the other station for the later train. The Brompton surprisingly stable in the snow.
All trains running on time which is a miracle. Got to Bromley and not a snowflake in sight. Nice dry roads and little wind made for a very pleasant ride in to work. Got changed, made myself a cuppa... and now it's snowing - heavily.


It kinda snowed then stopped and that was it so my ride was uneventful but nice for once, no wind no rain and even though it said feels like -3 it really didn't ^_^


Cycling Skoda lover
Bloody hell,it must be close pass Monday !! Had a load of clowns driving either crappy little rat cars up to HGV's testing my bravery today :evil: Made it to work in one piece and hopefully this is just a clitch in a normally trouble free commute


N Ireland
I used my Polaris fleecy gloves instead of the Planet X lobsters and paid the price. My fingers were in bother for the first few miles. Roads actually were fine, traffic light and I even managed to get a tow from a tractor for a few miles. There are no farms anywhere near where he was at but I was grateful for the ride.


Perhaps This One.....
Bloody hell,it must be close pass Monday !! Had a load of clowns driving either crappy little rat cars up to HGV's testing my bravery today :evil: Made it to work in one piece and hopefully this is just a clitch in a normally trouble free commute

Same down South this morning. 3 close passes within 1/2 mile from home coming home from the night shift. Otherwise a nice ride with the wind behind for a change.


Senior Member
One way back had close call with a car driver

I was taking up middle of the road as it was narrow due to parked cars glanced over before taking over it was clear and then when I took up lane a car honked and and close passed me forcing me nearer to the parked cars by a primary school and then when e pulled in after overtaking he braked suddenly (luckily i still stopped in time) i also noticed the window was open and he had a cigarette in his hand so he was probably smoking whilst driving. (There was a honk from a different car just before this happend probs same driver though) and

Ugh stupid drivers sometimes

ps i might of got his lisence plate wrong but i don't think i did. YB5N YNZ
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