Tales from today's commute....

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Luke Redpath

Well-Known Member
They were still resurfacing when I last checked at 11pm. Closed for 12 hours.

I passed a bus driver who was standing next to his bus (he had also parked in the mandatory cycle lane) who I overheard saying he had been there over 90 minutes.

A cursory search on Twitter shows many people had journey times in excess of 3 hours.

I hope the twat in the van who tailgated me, then cut me up before joining the miles long queue of traffic near Victoria Park is still there.


Über Member
What a difference 24 hours makes.
Weather was dry with no wind and about 2 degrees. Bike went like a rocket and my legs felt good. No punctures, no forgetting to carry new tubes or my good pump, no glass or hedge trimmings on the path and generally a lovely ride into work. Yesterdays drama = 3 hours to get to work, today = 50 minutes.


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
Felt really mild this morning although it was still showing a reading of -1 deg C. I guess you get used to the cold after a number of weeks, the medium term forecast for next week, up to 9 deg C, it will feel tropical!
Arrived at work absolutely filthy, another clean and lube for the bike tonight methinks, it's kind of becoming an almost daily task at the minute. Not that I mind, the hack has been an absolute workhorse of late so it deserves to look the part too.


Absolutely fine commute in - back to the winter jersey and base for the barmy zero degrees temperature.

Numpty count: 1-ish. I think it was me. Coming out of a side road I kinda dawdled my filtering to the junction to turn right into Ganders Green lane as I could see plenty of traffic coming the other way. Problem was that a racer was on me like a flash - in fact it was his flashing light that gave him away first - so sorry fella if I delayed you...then again, I was in the correct lane you weren't! :tongue:;)


I think I posted somewhere a few days ago about how good my 4 seasons tyres had been, with no p*nctures for months. I had a "superb" one last night - just as I got off the bike on my driveway as I got home :smile:

Then another this morning after hitting a pothole that I'm sure wasn't there yesterday on the A23 near Coulsdon :sad:


Über Member
pretty close to being knocked off today, someone overtook me just as a car was turning left (i.e. oncoming) out of their driveway. Mr driveway could have avoided if he had looked left first - but then his passenger window was all misted up. Mrs overtaker could have bothered to look forwards beyond the end of their bonnet. Luckily I was in a strong secondary so had space to my left to move into when the inevitable happened.

I was pleasantly surprised a little later when someone tried to pass on a poorly sighted S bend (as they always do) they actually aborted and pulled in behind. Normally they just carry on and hope for the best.


Legendary Member
pretty close to being knocked off today, someone overtook me just as a car was turning left (i.e. oncoming) out of their driveway. Mr driveway could have avoided if he had looked left first - but then his passenger window was all misted up. Mrs overtaker could have bothered to look forwards beyond the end of their bonnet. Luckily I was in a strong secondary so had space to my left to move into when the inevitable happened.

I was pleasantly surprised a little later when someone tried to pass on a poorly sighted S bend (as they always do) they actually aborted and pulled in behind. Normally they just carry on and hope for the best.

Seems the day for it. I had 'angry tipper driver' behind me this morning. Roared past me on the 1307. 10 mins later I overtook in the traffic chaos that is Linton at that time in the morning. Tipper driver roared past at Hildersham....big cloud of diesel fumes this time. :thumbsup:.
Passed it sitting in traffic on the A505 as I bimbled along the cycleway. ^_^ * smug grins all round then *


Cycling in the sun
Just been reminded of another very small incident that happened today, needed to drop something off near a school just before pick up time. When I came out with my bike it was getting busy with mums arriving by car, so I put my bike in the road ready to go when there was a gap. Oh dear I picked the spot one precious mummy wanted to park in, she just sat there for a bit pointing at the spot I was standing in despite the fact the space carried on behind me, just she wanted that precise spot:rolleyes:, I could see her mouthing various words about me, I just smiled back at her and invited her to pass, so she moved forward to leave a 1 foot gap for me to get through so I just carried on standing there.

Eventually she moved forward enough to allow me to pass, the car following her stopped opposite a gap to allow me to pass!


Firm and Fruity
Passed an accident on Evelyn Street tonight, just a bike and a pile of clothes, with police cordon. The vehicle and rider were gone. It looked serious, hope the rider is ok.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Passed an accident on Evelyn Street tonight, just a bike and a pile of clothes, with police cordon. The vehicle and rider were gone. It looked serious, hope the rider is ok.

What time? Left work a little earlier then usual 5.15pm. So guess after that.


Über Member
Well I don't normally cycle home this late but I had stopped to fix my friends sons bmx and she made me dinner. Lots of lovely commuters flying along the path towards Bath, people all shielding their lights and then it appears. You could see the sky lit up like something from close encounters. The nobber had two huge cree lights on his bars on full beam and another on his helmet doing the same. Then out of his lights came three people with no lights like lemmings..... I gave him a good bit of Anglo saxon swearing and then enjoyed the remainder of the trip home. Getting cold again...
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