Lovely clear night coming home with the sky full of stars once I'd escaped the light pollution of Cambridge. Lovely.
Incident free too, apart from a slightly odd thing. By the park and ride, a fellow on the crappy cycle path i ignore, suddenly jumped onto the road right in front of me without looking. It was ok, I managed to brake in time. He was wearing quite a distinctive (awful) woolly blue bobble hat.
Anyways, I sat on his wheel for a bit (remarkably, he was even slower than me) until the airport roundabout, where I stopped for a call of nature ( I may have had a swift half after work). Once I got near Quy, there was the same hat, lying in the road leading to the Quy Mill hotel. How on earth can you not notice your hat falling off?! Anyway, I left it in a very visible spot by the traffic lights at Quy church in case he comes back for it.