Heard a rumble of thunder at 5ish in the morning and instantly thought "nope," before rolling back to sleep. Woke up thinking I wasn't riding then, so I was pleasantly surprised to see that the rain had come & gone. Wrapped up warm but found warm weather outside, but I don't mind a bit of extra sweat on a ride, so that's all fine. The ride in was very easy, but that's Mondays for you.
Ride home was a bit of a mare, but only thanks to the stupendous amount of traffic on the road, so much so that I had to bide my time to wait for passing opportunities, due to oncoming traffic on the skinny roads. Once I was through it though, I found things a bit quieter and got to sprint for a good 20 min's or so, before finally hitting Croydon and having to put up with a ridiculous close pass, which gave me the perfect opportunity to mumble to myself, but I was that pleased with having had a nice fast pace for so long that the anger just came and went in mere seconds. Next came the inevitable half mile long hill I have to climb to finish on. By this point, my legs were feeling strong and nimble, so I threw myself up it, only to end up feeling like a tw*t three quarters up, when the pain of it all hit me, forcing me into my next but lowest gear. Made it home all clammy though, so a happy days cycling & the perfect antidote to a Monday.