Firm and Fruity
- Location
- Hexleybeef
Bad luck Ian, the ped sounds like a nobber.Pedestrian tried to blame me saying I was going to fast.
Bad luck Ian, the ped sounds like a nobber.Pedestrian tried to blame me saying I was going to fast.
Bad luck Ian, the ped sounds like a nobber.
Offed by a non looking, headphone wearing pedestrian today.
Filtering through traffic ped just steps out from the left between two cars and straight into me knocking me over.
Landed on my bad knee, my elbow and wrist.
No damage to the bike apart from twisted leaver which was easy righted.
Pedestrian tried to blame me saying I was going to fast.
I was probs doing about 10mph tops.
I said if I had been a motorbike then he would have come out of it a lot worse.
Then a driver stopped to say he saw it, said it was the peds fault and that he should have been taking more care when crossing the road.
What I thought was a PUNCTURE awaiting me when I collected my bike after work, doesn't appear to be one after all. Perhaps I didn't tighten the valve enough.
I'm not doing very well this week.
Nah, nothings feeling bad.
As I said, was going pretty slow so managed to soften the blow with my knee and arm/hand
I know........