A strange day today
As I joined the Busway I am sure I saws
@MisterStan in front by about 300 yards. Tried to catch up as he looked like he was putting his headphones in and for a brief moment I thought I could ctahc him.
He then sorted himself out and put his foot down and was gone. The thought of a cardiovascular near death experience in trying to catch him was not going to happen for a Friday.
Then near the Histon end of the Busway someone had tried to drive down the Busway in an Audi A3, realised they were going the wrong way and to me looked like they tried a U turn. Big fail! Most of the front of the car was then removed. So all the buses were diverted.
Then at Histon roundabout over the A14, the police had closed it off as it looked like 2 people had tried to jump off the bridge onto the carriageway for some reason. So everyone who had come off at Histon in the car was diverted back on! I did chuckle as I cycled past the Bobbies in Blue!
And then it struck me, finally after 35,000 miles the reason why I cycle, is that my journey to work is in my hands. I am not at the mercy of people who cause or have accidents that close the roads. People who do things that cause motorist's to be delayed. When you go by bike you rely on you and only you to sort it out, your not waiting for some bus driver to hopefully turn up or for the railway people not to be on strike, its all in your hands. I think that's why I ride to work. Its so reliable, you only have yourself to blame, and lets face we can fix almost everything by the side of the road to get us to where we need to be.
So a great day and a great reason for me to keep going on the bike, it may be dull some days and tiring but it gets me where I need to be more reliably than any other form of transport. Its good for me, its cheap, pollution is low and is great for the environment.
Well done to all of us who do it every day.
I will get off my box now!