good ride in today albeit a slow and rather achey start, still enjoying my third week of cycling after a 3 month hiatus and a new route.
got mixed up a huge peleton at the west end of Essex Road as per and a string of red lights, some of them very poor riders, cutting up, pushing to the front so they can wobble off first and get in everyone's way, anyway
turned onto Rosebury Avenue, a nice straight downhill, I pass a rather toothsome lady rider in snug red shorts, long lean legs in tights, smart work clothes, I say in passing 'smartest rider this week', "what?" she replies, I repeat myself louder and add 'those legs!' with an appreciative waggle of the finger.
This gets a delighted peal of laughter and away I go, starting to feel quick again, passing a string of bikes in primary, effortlessly weaving past potholes, god life is great
Catch another red light at the Mount Pleasant, in pole position, the rest of Rosebury Avenue beckoning, the lights change I put the foot down with meaning and throw the chain, in hindsight a slapdash change for the lights
I have to toe it to the curb, apologising to a Boris biker who has to stop for me, followed by a few minutes trying to redo the chain with a short stick before resorting to fingers
sigh, pride before etc etc