Tales from today's commute....

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Senior Member
Dry ride in, although warmer than I expected so was running a bit hot. Played leapfrog with a RLJing cyclist for a few junctions before we parted ways, possibly with him wondering how a fat man on a hybrid kept passing him.

Also passed a few others along the way. Making me realise it's nice not being the slowest thing on the roads!
[QUOTE 3067261, member: 259"]Forgot to bring underpants to work today. Feels very strange![/QUOTE]

Was going to "like" this as it sounds quite funny, but that might count as sexual harassment.


Senior Member
Undertaken by private hire cab at Gartnavel junction on Great Western Road Glasgow, westbound,rush hour.

he went past me on the inside,as if turning left, me in the bus/cycle lane then pulled sharp to the right in front of me. Twat. Ten minutes later ped walked right in front of me causing me to brake while she checked her phone.I said- if I'd been in a car you might be dead. She said sorry, then as I prepared to get back in the saddle she walked past me muttering 'you shouldn't even be here', and gave me the finger when I pointed out that it being a road I should certainly be there. I did swear. Thanks to the the fellow cyclist who offered words of encouragement as I got going again.
Its a good job I don't have a swear box on my bike cause after the wind this week I would be skint.

I think tomorrow is my 1,000 commute by bike in just under 5 years.

I think I may have had enough of it, but its still the cheapest, most convenient and time saving way to get to work.

So even though I am not enjoying it for a few months, I will stick with it!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
It's only wind....


Cycling in the sun
My normal commute time is 4:30 but this week due ti meetings I'm riding in the 'rush hour'.
It was good to see so many cycle commuters on the Avon ring road track in North Bristol, passing the 2 lanes of stationary traffic :smile:

Okay so I did get soaked due to a heavy shower but probably still got to work before many of the car drivers.
I'm on the ring road in rush hour, some days the road seems to flow ok, others days you wonder why they put them themselves through the stress. And usually on approach to the MOD/sainsburies roundabout in the afternoon I get to overtake loads of stationary cars going nowhere in the evening.

This morning, stuck my head out thinking I would set off then put my coat on, but immediately changed my mind and pulled on the full waterproofs.

Went to overtake a car when I found myself facing a lady about to do the same thing from the opposite direction!!:eek:


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I'm on the ring road in rush hour, some days the road seems to flow ok, others days you wonder why they put them themselves through the stress. And usually on approach to the MOD/sainsburies roundabout in the afternoon I get to overtake loads of stationary cars going nowhere in the evening.

This morning, stuck my head out thinking I would set off then put my coat on, but immediately changed my mind and pulled on the full waterproofs.

Went to overtake a car when I found myself facing a lady about to do the same thing from the opposite direction!!:eek:

Left home in sunshine however reaching Filton it was hammering down & continued until Westbury village !
Got to work ( Portbury Dock ) and it was sunshine again.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Set out for work at 10am, immediately got stuck behind a bus on the downhill before the uphill.
What a surprise when the bus pulls at the stop, to see right in front 2 roadies climbing slowly side by side.
I was so astounded to see not only one, but two cyclists on my off peak commute that I passed them on my granny bike without even saying hi :ohmy:


Cycling in the sun
@Pat "5mph" you have just reminded me of the other noteworthy event on my commute today. Arrived at a set of lights as they changed to red and realised I was in the wrong position to go right shortly after at the next junction, so pulled the bike across towards the right. Immediately afterwards I was joined by two spotty oiks on mopeds in the ASL who constantly revved their engines. Lights turn green, and I was the fastest to start, but fairly quickly overtaken on the left by one of them. However the other one didn't manage to accelerate very fast or was being polite/confused? And only went past as I stopped to wait for a gap in the traffic to turn right. (Well I felt pleased anyway:whistle:).


Senior Member
Got absolutely soaked on the way home and loved every minute of it. Yes, it was far beyond wet, even by Mancunian standards, but seeing the line of match day traffic crawling along towards Manchester City's ground and thinking to myself that I could be the fastest thing along that stretch of road made me smile. When I actually was the fastest thing the smile became a full on toothy grin.
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