Old bat (sorry but not cutting her any slack, don't care how old and senile she is, if she can wave a tonne of metal like a weapon then no sympathy) cut hard in on me today, went into the side of her..felt bad for a second for shouting then thought "why?"
Okay..maybe bigger concerns about elderly, mobility and society's reliance on personal motor vehicles involved..
But then later on, involved in an incident that has really got me wound up..hit again deliberately (they found time to beep as well as swipe me at a pinch point) by 2 lads, who then chased me with murderous (or at least GBH) intent for my daring to involuntarily shout out.
It was that bad that I had to duck through an alley and zig zag through side streets to escape..and to my shame I did go back later as I had a clue where they had parked their car - they didn't see me but I am glad I could see they were still in it as if they hadn't been, my D-lock was hanging from my bards at this point and not a single panel would have been straight or window intact.
Wouldn't have been the best course of action, total red mist but unless you have been chased in similar circumstances fully expecting to be deliberately mown down then don't judge...came into the house fully intending to put all my bikes on
Thanks to the healing powers of whisky my heart is now beating at a more normal BPM and I am calm and rational once more
Might have the first incident on "biddycam" but too dark for the second, just a blur of street lights and headlights in the dark
Glad this week is over...shunted in a car and these 2 incidents tonight - like buses, 3 come along at once!