Well, i was perhaps 3 seconds from death this morning.
Coming towards a right turn off a single carriageway road (to Staff West Car Park off Thorley Lane for those that know @Leaway2). There was a row of cars coming from the other direction meaning that the car behind me had to wait to overtake. He/she held back at a safe distance. I am 100 yards from the turning and signal right. The cars have cleared coming towards me. I move to the right of the lane and am about to turn when I see a grey flash go past my right shoulder. I did a WTF moment as I had earlier noticed the car directly behind me was white.
Turned out that a car had overtaken the car directly behind me I wouldn't have stood a chance in font of an accelerating car.
I'm not overly keen on Thorley Lane. It's too close to the motorway for my liking...