I know where my towel is
- Location
- Magrathea, Horsehead Nebula
I'm not happy about what I said when the driver pulled out and don't like effing and blinding in the street but genuinely thought I was going to hit the car. I don't understand what wasn't acceptable about talking to the driver. I was about as polite as I could manage and wary of keeping the moral high ground, stuck to the facts and didn't insult or threaten. The pointy stuff as I moved away, unnecessary but I think harmless. I'd just sat stewing at that red light. I couldn't hear over traffic but the rear cam shows her opening the window and calling out at me. Neither camera picked it up but she was was pointing at the 'bus only' bit I had been waiting in, which nicely brings me onto that.
They're really only there to reach the redundant toucan controls. Am I expected to go through the cycle lane on a green light and if not why shouldn't I be able to wait in the bus only on red? Besides, they're lethal conflict generators. In my direction of travel cyclists the junction narrows drastically forcing cyclists to move into the path of traffic crossing illegally. Even bus drivers take liberties so it's safer to wait there and take primary through the junction.
If it turned out that cycles genuinely are prohibited from that section and it isn't just poor road design/signage, and I got a fixed penalty, I think I'd have a strong case for appeal (IANAL!).
Yes, it looked close, seeing it on camera to in person is different, hence the questions.
If it's Bus Only as signed (cannot see otherwise) and they provided a cycle farcility then it was designed to be that way. Just be careful about that, as I see no case for appeal, as you are knowingly ignoring the road markings. Not sure, or don't like it, or feel it is unsafe, try your council. Lets not give people like that extra ammo.
Sorry to get hung up on that, but it sort of distracts from the really crappy pull out.
I hope the rest of your commute went better.