Came across my first bona fide idiot after 6 months in Cheshire as I passed a coach/bus that had pulled in and had a queue of 6-7 cars behind it in Bedells Lane, Wilmslow. I had passed all of the cars, but the coach started to pull away and indicate as I was passing its front axle – no problem, as there was quite a speed differential between us and I was able to pull back in front of the coach without impeding it. Five seconds later, repeated beeps! I look back and the frothing, gawping driver is mouthing something at me. I ignore him and he tail-gates me but can’t pass (I’m about a metre from the kerb and there is traffic in the opposite direction) . Three seconds later, more beeps. I ignore him as we are approaching queuing traffic (12 cars at least) at the top of Hawthorn Lane. I then move into the opposite lane to pass the queue, turn, smile, and give the driver a wave. I don’t see him again and think he is an odd sort to be driving a bus…