Tales from today's commute....

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Pouring when I left the office, collected bike from underground car park, put overshoes and waterproof jacket on. When I went outside the rain had stopped. Lots of puddles and the overshoes did their job OK. Mudguards delivered and fitted today, get to try them out in the rain on Thursday :smile:

Deleted member 1258

Got this strange double roundabout on my commute

https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Bedworth&hl=en&ll=52.470573,-1.494055&spn=0.019529,0.029354&sll=54.02068,-4.064941&sspn=9.225709,15.029297&oq=bedworth&hnear=Bedworth, Warwickshire, United Kingdom&t=m&z=15&layer=c&cbll=52.470655,-1.494055&panoid=tmj7hbsQNqt4OXIMUEoBmg&cbp=12,354.17,,1,2.45

Had a van pull across the front of me as I entered it this morning, then he made it worse by realising I was there and stopping, I could have backed off and dropped in behind him if he'd kept going, I'd just climbed Bowling green Lane and wasn't going very fast, I had to dodge round him instead, at least he said sorry and passed me wide on Heath Rd

Black Country Ste

Senior Member
West Midlands
On the way in, some fifty feet ahead a driver decided on some bus lane abuse to jump the queue for the lights, nearly taking out a young pedestrian trying to cross the road as he cut in sharply. On the way back, chucking it down and I filtered past a driver working on a LAPTOP.


Dog on a bike
Yay! Sub-45 mins into work even with having to negotiate the Catford one way system and temp traffic lights!! But:

1. Why do motorists always look left before pulling onto a road, surely you should look right?
2. To the nobber last night, if you're going to run a red then at least don't stop at the first point where you won't be able to tell when it turns green. The guy behind me was blowing his horn at you, you tit.


A Human Being
11 degrees when I left this morning, feels like summer:tongue:, the roads were very wet but no rain and no noticeable wind.
Thought I was going to be in for some serious SCR when a guy on a Bianchi road bike pulled up behind me as I waited at some lights, turned out I was very wrong^_^.


You really just had to come past me approaching a mini roundabout when I was already indicating to turn right on it and was already out on the crown of the road on the route in this morning..You are a prize c@ck and your chaved Fiesta is nothing to be proud of.....learn to drive properly you muppet !!!!

There that is better :biggrin:


Nice ride in this morning, decided to try out my new items from wiggle, my new tights not something i have ever worn in my life previously and my buff, even though it was 11 degress, once i got going the benefits of both items was obvious, all in all got to work without any real incident apart from some twat messing around on maryland r/about, actually two twats one being a minicab yay..


I know where my towel is
Seems I have been missing out on all the fun while I am waiting for my front wheel to be replaced (after Halfords ruined the last one with a dodgy axle replacement).
At least it is being replaced under warranty for nothing (although it had done nearly 6000 miles before they messed with it).

Took the bus this morning, a 25 min journey turned into a 40 min journey due to all the private motons clogging up the roads.

I miss my bike :cry:
Dropped my car in for a 'health check' this morning; they processed it pretty quickly and I was back by 9.25 and on the commute shortly after 9:30 just a quick 2.5miles commute stopping for road works and rbts; been a perfect morning for a longer commute if I had had to drop of the car :wacko:


My Armchair
Dank and wet on Sunday; dreary and wet on Monday; dismal and wet on Tuesday. Bring on tomorrow...:sun:
Soon be winter :thumbsup:

Having dodged the showers for 3 rides I finally got caught in constant drizzle coming home last night, at least today is dry.
Have resorted to my 'big light' already as the SMIDSY brigade seem to be out at the moment :rolleyes:


My Armchair
This afternoons ride in started badly, just getting ready and notice the rear tyre is flat, quick change of plan and swap light and panier bag onto CX bike.

Then I get a numpty turning right across me, he blindly followed the car in front of him that did have time to do it :headshake:

Oh, and despite forecast saying no rain I got a suspiciously rain like substance falling from the sky halfway there :unsure:


A Human Being
Seems my change of bike has caused MGIF's(Must Get In Front) to increase substantially.
Now riding bikes with panniers and I have had quite a few MGIF's in the past three days, generally so they can join a stopped or slow moving queue.

Deleted member 1258

Seems my change of bike has caused MGIF's(Must Get In Front) to increase substantially.
Now riding bikes with panniers and I have had quite a few MGIF's in the past three days, generally so they can join a stopped or slow moving queue.

I had one of those tonight, car parked a few car lengths from a red light, as I'm over taking the car I get a close pass then a cut in front under braking from a blue car :crazy: I sat directly behind him, I'm going straight on and I'm in primary, looking into his interior mirror whilst waiting for the lights to change.
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