Tales from today's commute....

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I know where my towel is
Decided to change my evening commute and extend it to 30+ miles (did 31 miles).
Started in Ilford, went across London to the end of Chelsea Embankment, and then back across London and up to South Woodford.
There were quite a few cyclists and cars about to say the least along the CS8, there was a little chaos in places, but it was a fun commute.

I really don't miss the people on road bikes who stop in a top gear, then stand up and move away very slowly (not cycled along the CS8 for a little while).
I stop in a lower gear so that I can move away quickly and smoothly.

Is it just laziness, resistance training *cough* or am I missing something?
Each to their own I suppose...


Legendary Member
Decided to change my evening commute and extend it to 30+ miles (did 31 miles).
Started in Ilford, went across London to the end of Chelsea Embankment, and then back across London and up to South Woodford.
There were quite a few cyclists and cars about to say the least along the CS8, there was a little chaos in places, but it was a fun commute.

I really don't miss the people on road bikes who stop in a top gear, then stand up and move away very slowly (not cycled along the CS8 for a little while).
I stop in a lower gear so that I can move away quickly and smoothly.

Is it just laziness, resistance training *cough* or am I missing something?
Each to their own I suppose...

I normally stop in a low gear, but sometimes get caught out when on a strange road


The plan was to take it easy on the commutes today as I had a fast ride planned for this evening. Now I normally don't see many cyclists on the commutes but today I saw loads. On the way in, one was coming off a path and looked like he was getting ready for a bit of SCR so I obliged, looked back when I got to the top of the hill and he was only halfway up, moved up to 6th on that Strava segment ^_^

On the way home, I kept repeating to myself, go slow. All was well until 200 meters into the ride when a roadie appeared in front, he wasn't going as quick so I overtook. Said roadie then drafted me for the next 2.5 miles. I don't know if he couldn't get back passed me or was happy drafting. I wasn't upset that he didn't take a turn in front. New fastest times both ways. Ride tonight killed my legs so won't have any choice but to slow it down tomorrow, hope I don't see to many cyclists :whistle:

P.s. I was laden with panniers on the cyclocross.
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Legendary Member
London, UK
Ambulance (the proper ambulance with the blue lights, not those non-urgent patient carrying ones) was facing me and turning right at a large cross roads as i was rolling along. Nearly plowed into me.. The driver was on the phone as I looked at her puzzled and she gave me the "oops, sorry" wave.

Steve Saunders

Active Member
Dundee, Scotland
Really warm when I left work, about 20c, and therefore no base-layer. I was putting in a fair bit of effort thanks to the wind so had my cycle jersey unzipped a little to get a bit of a cooling breeze. On a section that was down wind, I was in the flow of traffic and travelling at around 25-30mph, thanks partially to the tailwind and drafting combination. Nice you think, eh ... sadly a wasp decided this would be a perfect time to fly down my jersey and sting me in the chest - the little f****er! First time I've ever been stung, and it smarts a bit - especially when you factor in sweat --- OOOOOUUUCCCHH!! Thankfully I have recently been practising no-handed cycling, so I was able to unzip the jersey fully without stopping and release the wasp before it got me more than once - thankfully.

Not exactly the ideal start to a 25 mile commute home (only 5 minutes into the ride).


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
A lovely day in London but a bit hot with a helmet. I met @Mice in Battersea Park!


Senior Member
Orpington, Kent
Fogarama this morning. Too many car AND cyclists without lights on.
Still pleasant enough.

This. Definitely too many cyclists without lights on this morning (or very pathetic rear lights) and per usual seeing far too many cyclists either jump red lights (even in fog!) or go way past the ASL to practically sit in the junction :-/

Also, had some crazy motorcyclist undertake me as I was in the primary overtaking a bus. I was doing a fair clip (20mph+) but he still saw fit to undertake me and then weave in and out of the traffic in front at considerable speed. I always do a shoulder check when changing lane/position - but was thinking if I had to swerve to avoid a pothole/obstruction and didn't shoulder check (assuming there would be nothing on my inside as I've just overtaken a bus) I could very easily have been taken-out by a motorcyclist at speed :ohmy:


A Human Being
Eventful commute last night, bus on fire in the town centre caused major disruption to non-cyclists^_^.
Then on a one way road an ambulance on it's way to an emergency came up behind, all the cars pulled over to the left, except one.
The muppet pulled over to the right:wacko:, half on the road and half on the pavement blocking the ambulance:headshake:.
The driver in a panic then decides to drive along the pavement in order to get out of the way of the ambulance. This results, for some reason, in the muppet turning right and driving on pavement down a main road with pedestrians scarpering out of the way:thumbsdown:.

Very nice enjoyable ride in this morning but a little chilly to start with but no fog or mist to worry about.
Saw a guy riding a full on Scott TT bike.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Heavy traffic all the 11 miles to work this morning. Got a couple of half mile clear patches, that's all. Makes you wonder why folk are happy to just sit there stuck ?
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