Tales from today's commute....

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Oh forgot to mention. 3 scrotes on a moped at 4:30 am upto no good. Heard them turn in the cul-de-sac, thought now't of it, until the garage door banged. Jumped up, peered out of the window, nothing - security light on. Then said 'three scrotes return, possibly spot my hanging out of the window, and off they go. Set of dirty finger prints on the top of the garage door - certainly not ours as we never touch that part of the door. Bugger all chance of them getting in though. Emailed the local police so they are aware of these 'individuals'. I think what had happened is, upon first visit, one of them may have gone upto the garage and had a fiddle with the normal lock (which is crap - hence two additional locks). Having fiddled with it, it probably moved the door or the top shoot bolt, which then 'pinged' back in place causing the bang. Will be on the look out for the next few days.


My Armchair
Ride in, light drizzly rain most of the way, ride home in sunshine and a pig of a headwind :angry:

Had to pull over at one point as I thought I had a flat, could hear the thwack thwack sound, turned out to be some debris from a nearby tar laying session, 3 or 4 bits of grit/stone stuck to the tyres.
Few yards further down and another cyclist was doing the same, avoid Park rd/Styal rd for a while if you are local :rolleyes:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Deffo attempted break in on my garage. They had tampered with the wood trim at the top of the door, and tried to bolt crop the additional hasp lock, and failed. Barstewards.

Fresh batteries in the alarm and the car nosed up to the garage door. Reported for statistics


Legendary Member
Deffo attempted break in on my garage. They had tampered with the wood trim at the top of the door, and tried to bolt crop the additional hasp lock, and failed. Barstewards.

Fresh batteries in the alarm and the car nosed up to the garage door. Reported for statistics

Absolute cockwombles - do you think it was random or were they targeting your bike(s)??


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Absolute cockwombles - do you think it was random or were they targeting your bike(s)??

Random I recon. Had one random one over a year ago, they removed the glass from a side window. Shame it was heavily barred and no way in. The only issue is my car does have the bike rack on as we put it on a couple of days ago as we are out with the bikes at weekend (my wife not here and I can't put the four bike rack on on my own, too heavy). I don't tend to leave the rack on as it advertises you have bikes.


Another first for me today, commuted in to and home from work! Feeling absolutely fine, will do a spot of yoga this evening and if I am still fine in the morning I will do the same tomorrow! I am loving this commuting lark!


Had some chav bloke with a baby in tow walking along with his mate across the road shout across at me when I was stopped at the front of a set of red lights.

Him "Your front light is on mate"

Me "yeah I know"

Him "Do you mind if I ask why you have your light on?"

Me "yeah you can ask but I'm not telling you":whistle:

Cue his mate laughing.


Legendary Member
Random I recon. Had one random one over a year ago, they removed the glass from a side window. Shame it was heavily barred and no way in. The only issue is my car does have the bike rack on as we put it on a couple of days ago as we are out with the bikes at weekend (my wife not here and I can't put the four bike rack on on my own, too heavy). I don't tend to leave the rack on as it advertises you have bikes.

Feckin' scum.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Been in our house since we got married, never had any trouble until the last couple of years. I have my suspicions its the lad over the road and his friends. He has grown up from a little lad we never saw playing out, to a flipping pain in the ass when he has been boozing...

My kids have always played out...

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Deffo attempted break in on my garage. They had tampered with the wood trim at the top of the door, and tried to bolt crop the additional hasp lock, and failed. Barstewards.

Fresh batteries in the alarm and the car nosed up to the garage door. Reported for statistics
Gits! It will have you on edge for a few weeks.

I had an attempted on the garden shed about 6 weeks ago. Amateurs, they were as good as in but must have been spooked because they left the hasp intact by the skin of it's teeth. The thing is, all my bikes are in the house and have never been kept in the shed but I do almost permanently have a 4 bike roofrack on the car at the front of the house so it does kind of advertise the fact that 'bikes be here'.
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