Tales from today's commute....

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A Human Being
Went to ride home at lunchtime only to realise the PF had been and given me small present:sad:
At least it was a slow one, so pumped it up and rode a cautious 2.83km home.
Fortunately I was going to change bikes at lunchtime anyway, as this afternoon rain is forecast to fall:thumbsup: .


Didn't commute today due to a poorly stomach and sickness..... ate at the Mother-in-Laws last night so wondered if she is trying to poison me ^_^ !! Really missed my commute today and feel like a phoney ready this thread :cry:Back on the bike tomorrow, can't wait!!

Deleted member 1258

Tonight the rain waited till I was about a mile from home then the heavens opened and I ended up diving under my cape for the final mile :sad: , otherwise a routine commute, just hard work into the breeze.^_^

Hip Priest

After two years and 8000 miles I thought I was about to have my first proper collision tonight. I was on a roundabout, and a car entered from the left without looking. It was similar to Magnatom's lorry incident, only with a smaller roundabout, and thankfully, a smaller vehicle.

Somehow, by slamming on the anchors, and turning the bars, I managed to miss her by inches, or maybe millimetres.

To her credit, she stopped and apologised.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
[QUOTE 2596501, member: 1314"]Bored again on the way home tonight, despite Holborn, Westminster Bridge, Vauxhall, CS7 etc...Maybe I should break the commute up with a couple of pub stops instead of making it longer. Or maybe a longer commute home with a pub stop.[/quote]

Any excuse. :biggrin:


Did my extended route home yesterday and got two out of three of the QOMs on the big climb, including the one for the whole thing.
:wahhey: :bicycle:


A Human Being
Some people are so selfish:blink:
First one, driver drives onto the pavement and parks, then I realise why, their window comes down and they post a letter in the letter box which is, due to their pavement parking, right next to the drivers window.
Second one, driver blocks a shared path, his justification, "it's not a shared path and I shouldn't be using it":wacko:He seems to assume that no white dividing line means it is not a shared path despite the signs to the contrary.


Rebuilt, but not yet better than ever
Queuing at the lights on the horrible cycle path through Tavistock Square, a French tourist and her son started taking photos. SHe asked if we were cycling as a group, and we explained that no, we were all individual commuters. She looked stunned, and asked if we always queued in such an orderly fashion, and no one ever pushed to the front?

Cue much hilarity from us commuting types...


I know where my towel is
Sun made an appearance this morning, shame about the wind and slight chill in the air.

I got a lovely tow today from a flat bed van/truck, tucked in behind him and he acted as an excellent wind break and I maxed out at ~29-30mph with very little effort, it was great, and I think he was a little surprised when I went past him further down the road (when I went in the right lane and he went in the left coming up to a roundabout).


Über Member
I was minding my own business and a scooter overtook me so I stood up to stay with him, then enjoyed a 2 mile tow. Got a few smiles from other road users. Fair play to mr scooter, he kept checking his mirror and got down on the handlebars to squeeze as much speed as possible, good fun.

I didn't want to slipstream too closely so eventually I ran out of steam and had to drop back.... into the clutches of a lorry who was not so amused at us slowing him down by only doing 28mph in a 30. I was ignoring a cycle path and he beeped me so I hopped onto the shared pavement and waved him by, then immediately jumped back on the road again. I considered staying on the road and shaking my head/fist/both but swallowed my pride and let him through, I've read enough threads on here and read enough news stories of injured/killed cyclists.

Had a nice mr lorry driver on the way home last night, nsl very bumpy potholed road near my home, he had waited behind for a few blind corners and I could have kept him there for longer but I've mellowed a lot in recent months. There was a straight bit about 400 yards so I moved over the white line to the left and slowed down so he could pass, got a nice wave of thanks. I recognised the lorry as a local company I see a lot round here so I thought I would do my bit for inter-transport relations


Legendary Member
Got the gloves out for the first time this morning, and needed them as it was 5°C - but a beautiful morning as the sun got higher. Told them I'd be late in to work and did a 40-mile route round the by-ways of south Warwickshire to enjoy the sunshine while I could. A good choice as it's clouding over now.
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