Here for rides.
So this morning on the way in here
some dullard passes me (wide overtake on the other side of the white line) whilst I am in primary just as I'm passing the gravelled area on the left and then slams her brakes on for the give way line as there is a car on the 'main' route going from right to left (good job it wasn't turning left) so I have to stand the bike on its nose. Not locked the front wheel before. Makes for an interesting stop.
Then, whilst moving at a lick in primary, note the hazard lines, here
I'm overtaken by chummy in a black Audi A3 S3 sounding his horn and gesticulating wildly at the left hand kerb. (Just beyond the roundabout sign on the right hand side is the exit to a petrol forecourt, hence the primary). Nothing is coming the other way and his overtake was executed well if badly misjudged; he can't know/see if something is coming around that bend/exiting the filling station.
I give him a shrug and hand wave open palmed nothing obscene and a "what" and he executes an emergency stop in front of me, jumps out of car, leaving the door wide open and steams back up the road on foot to confront me "yafarkingcantgetovertotheleft" et cetera. I execute a nifty track stand, wait until he's nearly up to me and then say "Go away!" (thank you CC) whilst riding off to a volley of red-faced spittle flecked obscenities. I think he tried to kick me. He missed. I resist the temptation to aim a kick at his open door as I pass his car followed by a mini convoy of other vehicles none of whom try to overtake me for several hundred metres.
When I got to the office, I got my credit card out and ordered a camera. I've had enough of these idiots.
Finally coming home tonight as I approached this junction
the driver of the people carrier following me through the village decides she must overtake and guns past me exactly where this picture was taken. Presumably she has some sort of radar to deal with cars coming off the southbound A281 into Manning Heath via that road with the no entry signs. She then drives up to the T junction, positions the car to turn left, before, just as I arrive behind her, her right hand indicator comes on and she laboriously executes a right turn instead.
I wish I knew what it is about me that seems to attract these people...

some dullard passes me (wide overtake on the other side of the white line) whilst I am in primary just as I'm passing the gravelled area on the left and then slams her brakes on for the give way line as there is a car on the 'main' route going from right to left (good job it wasn't turning left) so I have to stand the bike on its nose. Not locked the front wheel before. Makes for an interesting stop.
Then, whilst moving at a lick in primary, note the hazard lines, here

I'm overtaken by chummy in a black Audi A3 S3 sounding his horn and gesticulating wildly at the left hand kerb. (Just beyond the roundabout sign on the right hand side is the exit to a petrol forecourt, hence the primary). Nothing is coming the other way and his overtake was executed well if badly misjudged; he can't know/see if something is coming around that bend/exiting the filling station.
I give him a shrug and hand wave open palmed nothing obscene and a "what" and he executes an emergency stop in front of me, jumps out of car, leaving the door wide open and steams back up the road on foot to confront me "yafarkingcantgetovertotheleft" et cetera. I execute a nifty track stand, wait until he's nearly up to me and then say "Go away!" (thank you CC) whilst riding off to a volley of red-faced spittle flecked obscenities. I think he tried to kick me. He missed. I resist the temptation to aim a kick at his open door as I pass his car followed by a mini convoy of other vehicles none of whom try to overtake me for several hundred metres.
When I got to the office, I got my credit card out and ordered a camera. I've had enough of these idiots.
Finally coming home tonight as I approached this junction

the driver of the people carrier following me through the village decides she must overtake and guns past me exactly where this picture was taken. Presumably she has some sort of radar to deal with cars coming off the southbound A281 into Manning Heath via that road with the no entry signs. She then drives up to the T junction, positions the car to turn left, before, just as I arrive behind her, her right hand indicator comes on and she laboriously executes a right turn instead.
I wish I knew what it is about me that seems to attract these people...