Tales from today's commute....

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Legendary Member
What a beautiful ride in, clear skies, no wind and warm temperatures. Was so impressed I did an extra 5 miles just for the sake of it....

Is what I would have been saying, if I hadnt taken the bus/train in as I'm off out later. Hope its like this tomorrow! :laugh:


Lovely ride in. A little cold but clear. Had a word with a driver that decided to pass me too close. Made sure got my point across and told him I didn't want to hear of the "you should be closer to the gutter" nonesense.

Appeared to work:smile:

Then, in the centre of Manc at St Peter's Square a bus in the left hand lane decides to veer into the right hand lane and done on a corner. I was behind and in the lane he jumped into. I'd had second thoughts for some reason about going past and therefore hesistated. Glad I did:eek:


Tights of Cydonia
South Glos
Lovely 16 mile sunny rural ride in today, on unfamiliar country lanes, but nearer the office, the Subaru MGIF who overtook me only to cut in, brake & join the traffic queue ahead made me laugh.

He had a sticker in the back about giving bikes space !


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
In the car - only in the office for a few hours this afternoon, as I've been putting up scaffolding with the joiner who is replacing our facia boards at home.


Über Member
....damn just and the dreaded email from Strava telling me someone has taken my (only) KOM by 5 seconds, to top it off its a mate of mine :angry: ....5 frickin seconds howd e do dat?

And secondly the weather is lovely out there and I only have my windslam jacket! :cry:


Not quite as steep but this one is annoying.

My journey includes a 10% up and down each way. That's annoying.

Curiously just a few weeks ago before starting the bike commute I was sufficiently worried to make sure I could do them in my own time. Now I hardly notice them! I can now get up several hills that I could not do just three months ago and the other day I went out for a very gentle ride indeed and was amazed at my high average speed. I think I'm getting fitter as the weather improves.


Label Required
Cold and foggy morning. Ended up leaving late as I had to find and then fit lights to my bike!
Got to work and dropped my water bottle at the front door, it exploded and now means that I don't have the means to hydrate on the way home. :cursing:


Über Member
Fens, Cambridge
Got to work and dropped my water bottle at the front door, it exploded and now means that I don't have the means to hydrate on the way home. :cursing:
There's a new one in my office locker if you want to grab it on the way home...........


Über Member
Legs were killing today, was a battle to hit even 20 mph. I did set a very nice PB to college yesterday, which might explain it - did the 7.5 mile journey in 25 minutes.


My Armchair
Another day on the CX, still haven't sorted my broken wheel for the road bike.
Still, it's a great excuse to do another off road return, especially when the sun is shining :sun:
Even had time to take a quick pic, luckily for @fossyant it meant I couldn't beat his time on the TPT segment, otherwise I would have no problem :whistle:



In between here and there
I overtook a battery bike that was going down a slight hill yesterday. I was trying to figure out how a hybrid with panniers was going so fast and the chaps wee little legs must have been going 130+ rpm lol.

So glad I went through my second full winter my legs are feeling great at the moment and April was my second fastest month out of 23 months of commuting. My third year starts 15th May as that was the day in 2011 I decided to commute there and back every day that was possible, it has been a great journey so far many, many more ups than downs.


Über Member
A good ride in to work this morning, even better on the way home, and for only the second time this year, rode home in a tshirt:dance:
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