Hi All.
Long time reader (113/265 pages so far on this thread

), but first post on the forum.
Recently stopped communting from South Woodford to Holborn, and I now commute South Woodford to Ilford via Buckhurst Hill (and odd days via Loughton), doing 20 to 26 miles a day, 5 days a week. Despite some of the more interesting up hill parts

I am still really enjoying my commute to work, and I don't miss the CS2

at all.
First I wanted to say "Morning" to the roadie who cycled past me (Roding Lane - Blue top) like he was on a leisurely sunday ride, sorry I couldn't return the favour, was getting my breath back, I had gotten a bit carried away on the downhill (gps said 27 to 30 mph

- not bad for me) section and then hit the uphill and it was a little harder going

Lovely commute today despite the wind, and nearly all drivers were very patient and gave me plently of room.
There was one blemish to the morning commute, the first ever person to hoot there horn at me since I started cycling in January! It was an old woman who said I should be sitting on the left of the road, despite the fact I had taken the primary to go past a parked car - avoiding the door zone, and was then going right at the roundabout (where she was going left) about 2 seconds after the parked car (see the Peugeot on the googles map link).
Why would I stay left at that roundabout and not take at least primary when I am going right? Makes no sense to me