Not quite commuting, but don't mess with the missus when we are out on the bikes.
Saturday morning, fantastic early September weather. Staying at the in-laws caravan in North Wales. Bikes out, my rucksack loaded with spades for some digging on the beach. Just rolled out of the caravan site, waiting to turn out onto the main road to access the NCN 5 1/4 mile away. Just waiting for traffic to clear, tell kids to watch out for traffic.
Turn round and there is a guy, just come out from the site jesticulating for us to get out of the way. Well, I turn round, ask him what his problem is, we are waiting for the traffic to clear you impatient person.
Wife gets off her bike and wheels it back to the car to have a 'go' - no swearing but she gives him a ding dong about the traffic, there was a bus and a car restricting view. Guy then says 'so you want it your way' - "Yes" was the answer. I'd by then got the kids through the junction and 'loudly' said that it was yet another fat impatient person in a car - a few others heard my comments.
FFS the site is actually full of kids whizzing about on bikes not looking, so when a family on bikes is patiently waiting for traffic to clear he gets impatient ? Plonker.