A fastish PM commute for me I decided to cut through town to open country roads and I got my average up to 15.6mph from 12.4mph through town

the average fell though when I went along the Sustrans route through Ferry Meadow got it back up to 15.1mph into the headwind & I was quite pleased with that but I let it fall again through the gated Orton Mere level crossing; in the end I ended up with just 14.6mph for the
Grabbed some extra lights and dumped the sandwich box and popped to the shops to cool down. On the way home still in cool down mode I got scalped; stayed in the mode until the other rider did an RLJ. That was like a red rag to a bull, waited for the green (which wasn't long as they're pretty responsive lights and his primary position probably triggered them for me) got a push from the tail wind dodged SMIDSY (typical the two out side lanes gives way correctly and numpty in the inside lane blindly undertakes (the folk on your right stopped for a reason

)); I lost a bit of speed there and the tight right hander over hatching but still had enough momentum to shoot up
Mayor's Walk at 19.8mph on the fixie and the the light headwind (it was NEE and Id headed North) became a tail wind I was going to open it up further but there was a ped in the middle of the narrow road, 10 secs or more later he was still there

and I had to trackstand, the car coming the other way was forced to stop too.