Had that same thing happen to me recently.
Well, it wasn't a commute, it was just a late evening spin out.
And it wasn't a deer, it was one of the local drunk ASBO crew.
And as he wasn't stock still in the middle of the road, he was kind of waivering/dancing.
And when he eventually lurched across to the other side of the road and stops in the pub's doorway and turned to look at me, he says "Oi lad! Wot you staring at? You fink yer facking better do me, do ya? Oi guys, this fu......"
I left there thinking "Peg it!"
One of those magic moments which can happen at any time in Britain's city centres...

Im just narked because of my commute to work yesterday. We've had the 48 hours of constant heavy rain down here rather than the snow, but when I awoke yesterday morning a tad earlier than normal to a break in the weather I thought "yeh, get up and chance it: take the extended route you've been planning for the lighter mornings..."
So off I set, pleased that I'd happened across quite a mild morning which although had plenty of standing water about had none in the air. Climb the first hill of my new route feeling great (this commuter extension is to hopefully increase fitness through frequency of riding bigger hills), climb the second bigger one feeling better. I could get used to this early up/longer run to work melarkee. Get to the bottom of the second descent to a Y road junction and find a huge puddle across the middle of it. Slow down to a crawl as a) I want to determine the depth of it and b) I see an oncoming car...
Im sure the ********** smiled as she hit the puddle without the slighest change in speed, creating a wave which fully crested me and consequently soaking me thoroughly when I thought I'd escaped getting drenched, and whilst I was now further away from work than I normally am even before I set off from home.
Was not a happy bunny.
Edit: Oh, and naturally the P Fairy decided that the ride home would be a great time to pay me a visit aswell.