- Location
- Macclesfield
Me: I have every right to be here and that path is dangerous.
Judging by the photo on Google it would not be a path that I would bother with either. In the door opening zone on both sides - brilliant.
Me: I have every right to be here and that path is dangerous.
Road in question here, its rubbish tbh and cycle path is stupidly dangerous, but, the main road is wide.
https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Hanworth Road, Hounslow&hl=en&ll=51.444031,-0.385938&spn=0.018376,0.045447&sll=52.8382,-2.327815&sspn=9.123282,23.269043&oq=hanworth road, &hnear=Hanworth Rd, Hounslow, United Kingdom&t=m&z=15&layer=c&cbll=51.4442,-0.38577&panoid=AqpEUvlWGWEP4VpTmbv_Dw&cbp=12,201.93,,0,-5.95
Davy I've removed that last word on your post. Naughty naughty !![]()
That 'cycle lane' is a bloody joke! Lethal!
That's one thing I like a the D+ & M+, if something does get through it never falls out leading to the 'put new tube in & pray' apprehension or that hard to find to find the source..... Finding the cause was easy... It has gone through Schwalbe Durano pluses...
That's alright, mate! I've just quoted your post above, just in case someone tries to misquote you. No, don't thank me, it was easyThe decision to pack a spare pair of boxers this morning was inspired.
Not because of the pull-out-cum-left-hook by the school bus but that it was very wet, though I will be having a word with the school about the former.
[edit: having just read this back to myself, it could be taken oh so out of context.]